Chapter 95

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Chapter 95

"This doesn't need to be awkward," Draco said with a pointed look. Thomas glanced up from his breakfast, but then quickly went back to staring at his bacon. "I just don't understand why you two didn't say you were seeing one another."

Thomas risked a look over at Graham whose jaw seemed to be so tight that it seemed as if his teeth were at risk of cracking under the pressure. Graces said nothing, but at least had the decency to look at Draco as he continued to talk with them. Really, everyone should have been expecting this. Draco was the first to breakfast and instead of eating and then whisking off, he stayed and waited for them to come down.

"I just don't understand why it has to be a secret," Draco repeated, becoming increasingly more sour as both Graces and Graham didn't speak. "This is a good thing. We all like one another and—" Draco paused awkwardly as though he wasn't sure what else to say "—it's a good thing."

"Because Graham's appropriate?" Graces asked bitterly, taking a bite of some toast.

"It's a plus, but no. It's a good thing because, well, I like Graham. He's a good guy and it's just good." Graham scowled and looked over at Draco before deciding he didn't want to be apart of the conversation afterall and returning to his breakfast. Draco continued to sit looking increasingly more uncomfortable and flustered. He seemed to want to say more, but didn't have any words.

"Did you not tell me because you thought I would be jealous?" Draco asked, before adding. "Because you didn't want me to feel left out or like the third wheel?"

It was then that Graham threw his utensils loudly on his plate and stood up. He looked as though he were about to yell at Graces. Thomas and Draco stared wide-eyed and waited for a string of vicious insults, but instead Graham pointed accusingly at Graces across the table as though to say this was her fault before storming off with both hands clenched tightly into fists. Graces face drained of color, but she offered no explanation.

"What the bloody hell was that about?" Draco demanded.

"We are quarreling," Graces replied simply.

"Why are you quarreling?" Draco asked, his patience already too thin.

"It's private," Graces shrugged, abandoning her toast all together and drinking some pumpkin juice.

Thomas wanted to sneak away from this immensely awkward situation, but he was worried that the slightest movement may set Draco off. He was still in shock to find out that Graham and Graces were dating, he had no idea. When Graces was in the hospital wing after the attack Graham was worried for her, but it seemed he was more worried about Draco.

And when she woke up all of his anger was confirmed. He had yelled at her as she laid there in a hospital bed, bellowed that she was selfish and stupid, that she didn't give a damn about anyone else but herself. He had made sure that she knew exactly how much pain she had caused Draco and all of them when she had chosen to stab herself and Thomas was sure that he would have said more if Draco hadn't kicked him out of the hospital wing.

Thomas was surprised that Draco even forgave him for everything he had said. But Draco did, in no time at all it had seemed, Draco had laid all of his harsh words to rest. He didn't even seem to want to discuss it. Thomas wondered if that was because Draco understood Graham's feelings or if it was because Draco couldn't bear to stay mad at the older boy.

"I think whatever you're quarreling about you could tell me."

"Graham's very private," Graces stated, as though that was explanation enough.

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