Chapter 10

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It was now Friday evening, four days since the hospital incident, and Neville still had not been able to speak with Graces privately. The Slytherin had been escaping him all week. She was never in any of her usual places anymore, it was like she changed her whole schedule just to avoid him. She no longer was tutoring the younger years in the library. She took breakfast and lunch away from the Great Hall, and now she seemed to always be near someone, mainly her brother, whenever she was walking the halls or studying in the Great Hall. Even in Herbology, where they were partners, she managed to avoid talking to him. On Tuesday Neville had come to class expecting to be seated in their usual spot, up front away from the rest of the class, where he would finally have the chance to talk to Graces about everything that had happened: the dagger, the night in the greenhouse, his relationship (or lack there of) with Hannah and her nightmares. However, when Neville had arrived to class Graces was not in the isolated desk at the front of the room but in the center table that was walled on all sides with students. Neville had given Graces a knowing glare, but the blond just continued to set up the desk as though she didn't notice. Hannah and Hermione, of course, were excited to have him back so near to them. Hannah had talked to him non-stop, any chance she could, throughout class, making it absolutely impossible for him to even mumble a sentence to Graces. After class Graces had made a mad dash to the door. Though she didn't need to, because as soon as class was dismissed, Hannah was right at his side chattering away, clearly not noticing his irritation.

So now here he was on a Friday night sitting in the Gryffindor common room in his favorite arm chair surrounded by the friendly chatter of his housemates and pretending to be studying for potions. In reality he was, once again, driving himself mad over Graces Malfoy.

"Hey, Nev?" Neville awoke from his thoughts, and looked up to see Dean standing in front of him, looking as though the world had been turned upside down. "Graces Malfoy is outside in the hall asking—well no, not asking—demanding to see you."

"Really?" Neville exclaimed excitedly, jumping out of his armchair and stumbling to the floor after getting caught in his robes. Probably should have finished uncrossing my legs before attempting that. Neville thought as he brushed off his robes and adjusted his tie, trying vainly to make himself more presentable before seeing Graces. Completely forgetting that his friend was still there in front of him, by the time Neville looked up Dean was frowning quizzically at him.

"I, uh, am really in trouble with this potions essay," Neville made up quickly, "and she's, umm, tutoring me."

Dean looked over at the potions book and practically bare parchment that had landed on the floor; he nodded and seemed to accept Neville's excuse for his excitement.

Neville ran over to the portrait hole; he could not believe that Graces was here. It was possibly the best thing that had happened to him all week. She was here and demanding to see him. He prayed that she had finally come around, and would at the very least talk to him. He longed so badly to talk to her, to make sure she was okay, rested, and not having any more of those nightmares. By the time he reached the entryway he was so enthusiastic he burst through the portrait hole. Luckily Graces, upon hearing the the Fat Lady's surprised cry of outrage, jumped back just as Neville stumbled out of Gryffindor Tower.

"Oh, Merlin, sorry. I almost knocked you down there. I guess I rushed through a bit too fast, but anyways, hi! You're here! You're really here! I'm so glad. I thought, well it doesn't matter what I thought, because you're here and I—" Neville stopped his rant immediately when he actually took the time to look at the girl in front of him. Here he was chatting up a storm, smiling like a fool, and Graces looked extremely uncomfortable, even frightened, of his enthusiasm. "I... uh... well, did you come here to talk to me?"

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