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"I'm okay," Neville grunted, for the fifth time. He still had not stood up from the ground and was content to just continue bending over on all fours on the floor until his gut allowed him to regain his breath and his groin stopped throbbing, but Graces wouldn't stop fussing. He felt like if he stayed bent on the floor he would just continue worrying her, so he stood up.

"You don't look okay," Graces continued, wrapping the sheets around her and moving to the edge of the bed.

"I am." Neville nodded, trying again to make himself stand up straight. It didn't work out as well as he planned and he ended up shooing Graces over to her side of the bed so he could lay back down.

"I'm so sorry," Graces repeated, moving to put her hand on his chest and then taking it away, as though her touch could somehow make the pain return.

Neville smiled and took her hand in his and laid it against his chest, closing his eyes for a moment as another wave of nausea rolled over him.

"My father used to put a pillow between us when I would sleep with him and mum," Graces said quietly. "Protecting the family jewels he would say..."

"I'll bear that in mind," Neville said. "Though if you didn't decide to sleep diagonally at some point in the night I would have been fine. You would have just kept kicking my shins."

"I really am sorry," Graces whispered, moving closer and laying down beside him.

"I knew what I was getting into, climbing into bed with a Malfoy. I was very much aware that it was a dangerous path I was on." Neville opened his eyes and smiled at the blonde beside him. Graces gave him a half one in return, but it didn't seem to reach her eyes. "Tell me again about how you kicked your father. It will probably help me feel better faster."

"I think you're fine," Graces said, feigning offense.

Neville chuckled at her pout and moved closer to her. Maybe it was a good thing that she kicked him where it hurt. He was wondering what it would be like waking up with her, if she would feel awkward or if he would. This was probably the best thing that could happen, a perfect icebreaker. Neville leaned in thinking to kiss her before realizing his breath was probably far from pleasant.

"Uh, I'll be right back," he promised, doing his best not to breathe as he made his declaration. Graces frowned, but he was up before she could protest, hurrying to the loo where he could brush his teeth with the toothpaste Hermione had given him. He of course made sure to use a charm to clean his teeth, but he still liked the muggle way. He liked the taste and he had a feeling the minty smell was a good thing, especially in moments like this.

When he emerged from the bathroom he expected that Graces would still be in bed, but to his disappointment she was up and waiting outside the door.

"Oh, uh, are you going to be leaving so soon?" Neville asked, unable to hide his disappointment.

"Leave? No. You're not the only one that needs to freshen up in the morning, Longbottom," she smirked, squeezing past him to use the sink. Neville leaned against the doorframe as she washed her face and ran a brush through her hair.

It was more than he ever thought he would have with her. He never imagined they would be in a position like this. Well, he imagined, but he didn't believe it would come true.


"I thought we were past this? What's with calling me Longbottom all of the sudden?"

Graces smirked and put the brush down.

"When you're being sweet and we're having fun, you can be Neville. When you're standing in the doorway preventing me from using the loo you're Longbottom."

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