Chapter 69

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Algie watched his great nephew turn the next page in his book and felt himself missing Christmases past. He missed the Christmas mornings when little feet would be running down the hall to the stairs and it would only be a few more moments before there was an excited knock on his door telling him it was time to wake for Christmas morning. He missed the loud afternoon that followed with a pint-size wizard laughing in the middle of the room and playing with his new toys while he and Augusta watched. It wasn't like that anymore. Christmas was quiet now.

It was still warm. He could feel the warmth that came from being with your family during Christmas. It wasn't lacking in love. Neville kept looking up from his new book at him and smiling, Augusta was filling the house with scents of all their favorite treats from the kitchen and he had just finished the last touches on the Christmas decorations, but he missed the noise. It was times like this when he missed Frank and Alice.

It had been nearly two decades, but he could imagine them here now. He could see Alice sitting next to her son invested in her own book, every once in a while leaning in and whispering something humorous in his ear. Alice had this quiet way about her. She never raised her voice, and even her laugh was quiet, but it never kept her from being heard. He could see her there right now smiling at her own humor and he could see Neville rolling his eyes but laughing with her.

He could hear Augusta scolding Frank in the kitchen for stealing a finger of frosting, his brother jokingly yelling at Frank to make a run for it and their loud laughter echoed through his mind to the point where he felt his chest tightening. This is what made holidays hard, remembering things about them and knowing what they would be doing if they were here now.

Neville put his book down after a moment, grabbed his empty glass of water and headed to the kitchen, leaving Algie with phantom memories.

"I saw that, Neville Longbottom," Augusta called, as Neville emerged out of the kitchen his finger in his mouth.

"I know. I did it right in front of you. It's not like I was trying to be sneaky," Neville grinned, smiling at his grandmother through the doorway.

"Neville, do you think any of us want to eat a cake that you put your fingers in?"

"That can be my piece."

"That's an awfully big piece, young man."

"Yeah, I know," Neville grinned, his smile mirroring the mischievous one his father used to have. "Good thing carrot cake is my absolute favorite." Augusta made some scoffing sound that didn't seem to have any effect on Neville's smile. "Thank you for making my favorite dessert, Gran."

"Get out of my kitchen."

"I am out of your kitchen."


Neville laughed and sauntered back to his chair where he left his book. It had been days since there had been smiles in the home, since they all felt they were allowed to be happy despite the news they received. Algie didn't even know he had still hoped that Frank and Alice could one day be well until Augusta came home from the hospital in tears and Neville sat him down and told him the news.

Told him the news like a man and not some confused teenager. Told him the news with strength like his father but gentleness like his mother. He was the best of them, the very best. All Alice's patience and kindness with wisps of his father's humor and strength... and both of their courage. And then there were things so uniquely Neville.

"Uncle Algie, you have to take a look at this charm. If I could master this charm we could have whatever plants we wanted along the walkway year round."

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