Chapter 113

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**** So I am definitely overwhelmed with the amount of attention my fic has been getting on here <3 I really have never gotten much attention on wattpad, I have most of my base on FFN or A03, so that was a nice surprise. I think I have marauders.4 on tik tok to thank for that. After they made those two tik toks regarding my fic I seemed to get quite of bit of views on here. So I just wanted to say thank you and also thank you to the other people telling people about this fic. This chapter was meant to be a lot longer, but I decided to give this part early since it's getting so much attention and this section is done. I hope you all enjoy!!!***

"No. No, I didn't. No." This couldn't be real.

It couldn't be real. Over and over again the sentence repeated in Harry's head, as though he could will it true. This couldn't be real. The shattered tiles, the bloody, flooded floor and the dyed strawberry blonde hair that floated in it all. He couldn't have done this; it had to be another bad dream.

Snape was still muttering over both of the twins' bodies, but his cloak blocked Harry from actually being able to see them. In a sick way it was a relief to not see them. Draco had been shaking and scrabbling at his injuries as though he were fighting to keep the blood in and Graces had laid motionless beside her brother, her head pivoted away from Harry so the only thing he could see was her hair and the blood that slowly crept away from her.

Harry didn't think he would ever forget the look on Draco's face when he realized Graces was lying next to him. All the efforts he had been making halted and the stillness that had replaced the frenzy was possibly one of the worst moments of his life.

"She's alive," Snape murmured, pausing his incantation for the very first time since he had shoved Harry away. A shaking breath he hadn't realized he had been holding escaped him and then he realized Snape wasn't speaking to him at all, but to Draco.

Harry heard some sort of faint whisper that must have been from Draco, but Snape ordered him silent.

"I-I tried to move her."

"She will be fine."

"I-I tried to-" Draco's words faded away and Harry suspected by the stillness that settled that he may have passed out.

"She will be fine," Snape reassured, to the silence.

Harry wanted to ask if Draco would be fine. If he would wake up, when he would wake up, if he had done any permanent damage, if he would have a scar, but he couldn't get his mouth or limbs to work. He just stood there trembling from a cold that didn't exist. Snape's hands moved away from Draco (who had indeed passed out) and turned Graces on her back. Harry had an idea of where she was injured, the dark dress mixed with dark blood made the scene a blur and he turned away before his eyes could adjust as Snape tore her dress open to begin healing her.

Snape again began his incantation, his monotone voice echoing through the chamber of the bathroom along with the sound of leaking water. Harry didn't dare move his eyes from Draco's chest, watching the other boy's chest as it slowly moved with each breath promising Harry that he was indeed alive. He stared at the closed up wounds, again reminding himself he had been the one to tear the other boy open. In that moment it no longer mattered to Harry that Draco had been about cruciate him. He would have given anything to go back and not have used that spell.

A sharp intake of breath tore him from his thoughts.

"Lie still," Snape ordered.

Harry craned his neck to see that Graces' eyes were open, but far from what seemed alert. She moved her head about, her hair matting in the water with the movement.

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