Chapter 78

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Graces took another step back and Neville's heart sank slightly as her eyes wandered around the small pavilion, taking in the people, the crowds, the unfamiliar noise and none of it's beauty. Neville could already see she didn't see the happy faces, smell the aromas, she was already sinking into her panic.

Her hand slipped out of his and she pressed it close to her chest as she backed too far away for him to hold onto. "Neville, I-I'm so sorry, but I—"

"Scared, Malfoy?" Neville teased, doing his best to make light of the situation and closing the space between them.

Graces' eyes fixated on the people ahead of them. She stared for a few moments, her lips slightly parted to take in the extra air her lungs seemed to think they needed. "Yes, actually. I am."

She looked back up at him with such helplessness he had an urge to just forget the whole affair and take her home.

"You have nothing to be scared of here, Graces," he reassured, moving so she couldn't see anything but him.

"If you believe that you're a fool." He was losing her, and he was losing her fast. He could see the fear turning to anger and frustration. "How could you," she hissed. "How could you bring me here! Here! Of all places!"


"Stones, drowned, burned! I am not going in there," she choked, the lump in her throat growing so big she could barely speak. "I won't! If something happened if—"

"Dr. Harris" Neville interrupted, grabbing at the only thing he could think of. Her doubts. Her doubts that he had never out right confronted or pushed.

Graces' fell silent at the name and Neville felt some relief to see the small flicker of doubt come to her eyes.

"He knew who you were and what you were."

"That was different. He was different. I—"

"I've lived in a muggle town my whole life, Graces. I went to a muggle school before attending Hogwarts." Graces' eyes widened at his proclamation. "He wasn't different," Neville murmured quietly. "Not really. Yes, they would be scared if they knew. I have no doubt about that. There would be issues, just as we are scared of what we don't know. But they're just people, Graces. No one is going to know what you are, or what I am. You are perfectly safe, and I wouldn't allow you to be anything but."

"You know I am a wizard," Neville reminded, giving her a charming grin to help eliminate her doubt. "I broke into the Ministry, I think I can handle a few muggles." The ends of her mouth flicked slightly and Neville continued on. "And, may I remind you my dear, you are a witch. A witch who doesn't have a trace placed on her."

"Do I detect some jealousy, Mr. Longbottom?"

"A bit," Neville admitted. "Wish I had friends that high in the Ministry."

Graces let out a small laugh and Neville prayed that he had her.

"Do you still want to go back?" he asked hesitantly. Graces bit her lower lip and moved so she could look back out. He knew she was frightened and in hindsight maybe this was a bad decision, but he still hoped. "Please, trust me," he begged softly.

Silver eyes turned to his and he waited on bated breath for her decision.

"Don't leave me alone for one second," Graces stipulated before walking forward.


Hermione tried to keep close as they walked towards the theatre. Neville was trying to explain to Graces how a movie worked, but the blonde was clearly beyond understanding. She asked a few times why not just see a play if it's like a play. And when Neville kept insisting it was a better than a play she would scowl and mutter about how she didn't believe pictures could be better than a live performance.

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