Chapter 57

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Sunday mornings always created this haze around the castle. It seemed like the whole school would laze about in the mornings before making the most out of the last day of the weekend. Neville turned over in his bed and held his spare pillow tight to his chest, too warm and comfortable to fully wake. He kept his eyes closed and urged his mind to go back to the dream he was having, back to the world where he was holding Graces in his arms and breathing her in as they softly kissed their good mornings.

He was just beginning to fall back to sleep as his dream escalated to Graces taking his pants off when the curtains to his bed were abruptly yanked open.


"WE DON'T WANT TO FIGHT ANYMORE!" Ron yelled, not coming across as contrite as he and the other boys appeared. "WE'RE SORRY AND WE DON'T WANT TO FIGHT. AND YOUR CURTAINS ARE ALWAYS CLOSED!"

"This couldn't wait til I was out of bed?" Neville asked, moving the pillow so it was on top of his lap and blushing scarlet.

Ron pinked and murmured about how they heard him moving in bed and then he started snoring again.

"We just didn't want you staying in bed til we all left like yesterday," Seamus offered from behind Ron. "We just all wanted to get this over with."

Neville tried to take a few calming breaths, he felt like he was breathing like a frustrated dragon rather than a human being.

"Just give me a second to wake up and we can talk," he finally muttered, thankful that Ron closed the curtains. After taking a few minutes to gather himself and make sure that he was calmed down, in more ways than just one, he got up from the bed.

Harry, Ron, Seamus and Dean were all waiting for him. Harry sat on his bed while Ron paced between Seamus and Dean who were sitting on his.

"I didn't mean to hurt your eye," Ron grumbled, his cheeks pinking slightly. "I really didn't mean to. I meant to just hit the back of your head... you know? Not really hurt you. Just..." Ron's voice trailed off as he shrugged his shoulders not quite sure how to explain.

Neville crossed his arms in front of himself uncomfortably and wondered when things became so hard. When you stopped going along with things. When you decided what you wanted for yourself and refused to be apologetic.

"I appreciate that," he whispered still holding his arms tightly to himself. Ron rubbed the back of his neck and Neville felt as though he should say more, but he couldn't find it in him. He was afraid if he opened his mouth he would apologize, and he was done with that. He didn't feel he had a reason to be sorry anymore. Even the lying he didn't feel bad about. Graces was safe and she was happy.

"We're all sorry for the way we reacted," Harry said quietly, disturbing the pregnant silence that was surrounding them. "We had no right to think you would tell us about such things. We all certainly don't confide in you our secrets, so we shouldn't expect you to tell us yours."

"Not to mention we shouldn't have ignored you after the morning you had," Dean added, looking down at his shoes.

"Yeah, what Malfoy said to you was rough. We should have talked to you," Seamus agreed.

"I was fine."

"Even still," Ron murmured. "We're sorry. And I'm in particular more sorry. I should never have mentioned your mum and dad."

"It's fine," Neville nodded hollowly.

"It's not fine," Ron whispered angrily. "It was wrong and I'm sorry."

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