Chapter 22

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"Did you forget the password, dear?"

Neville stared at the portrait hole with the fat lady. There had been so many times he had forgotten the password and been forced to sleep outside of his common room on the steps with the fat lady, but never had there been a time when he wanted to until today.

"No... I remember it," Neville said quietly, wishing he didn't.

"Well, then do hurry up, dear," the fat lady ordered. "It's late and I need my beauty sleep."


For a brief moment Neville considered cozying up on one of the couches by the fire and sleeping away from his bed, but the thought of how awkward that would make the morning stopped him.

And I don't want them to think I cried all night or something, he thought bitterly, opening the door to the 6th year boys room.

Harry, Ron, Seamus, and Dean were all up, waiting for him. They must have all been listening for him too, because they each were standing in front of the door still in their clothes from the day. Apparently, none were willing to go to the loo to dress for bed, too afraid they would miss his entry. Neville stared at them from the doorway. He knew they were sorry, it was written all over their faces how sincerely contrite they were, but he still found himself unable to forgive them at the moment. Looking away and pretending he didn't see them, he made his way over to his bed.

"Malfoy's bird is there," Dean informed, right before Neville opened the curtains. "We couldn't get it to leave. We each tried, but it gave us all a good gash on our arms."

The only sign Neville made that he heard Dean was the brief moment of hesitation before he opened his curtains. The bird was indeed there, perched in the middle of his bed with the usual stationary Neville had come to know so well.

"Hello, Loki," Neville greeted quietly, not making any move to take the envelope, still standing clutching the curtains. "Sorry you had to wait."

"It wouldn't have had to wait if it let us just take the letter for you," Ron muttered darkly. "Hell, it could have just dropped it off, but it insisted on wa—"

Ron stopped talking when he noticed Neville staring at him. It wasn't that Neville was being outright mean, or rude, but his expression made it very clear that Ron's comments were not welcome.

When the room was again silent, Neville walked over to his nightstand and opened the drawer, taking out a chocolate cockroach cluster and offering it to the bird. Loki cautiously reached out a talon, never taking his eyes off Neville's face as though he suspected the boy to do something stupid or cruel, and took the treat. As Loki delicately nibbled on the chocolate, Neville gently removed the letter.

Meet me in the barn, where the thestrals are kept.

-G. M.

Also, if I were you, I would storm out of the room, so no one questions why you are leaving... Just a friendly Slytherin suggestion.

"Neville, we—"

"I don't want to hear it," Neville said coldly, now looking at the boys in front of him. "There is nothing you can say to me to make this better right now."

All four boys fell silent as a chill seemed to set in the room.

"You're all supposed to be my friends," Neville said, unable now to hide the hurt in his voice.

"We are your friends," Seamus protested. "Neville, we are so sorry. You have no idea how sorry we are."

Seamus moved to put an arm on Neville's, but the sandy haired boy stepped away from the gesture.

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