"they're gonna fuck, bet."

"how much?"

"i ain't betting money."


"i ain't a pussy."

"but boss wants to eat yours."

i hooded my eyes at her while she smirked before reign walked over to us with a giddy smile brightening her face, "so.. you tryna fuck edwin or something?" yasmin asked straight up, "maybe, we'll see how it goes." reign answered with a shrug and a smirk, "oh girl get your mans." yasmin cheered happily while i chuckled.

then i waved at the girls and walked to the elevator before stepping inside and heading up to the top floor, the meeting with the other company will take place in half an hour so when i got to my office i placed my bag down and took out the folder with all the papers i printed off then headed to boss's office.

my dumbass decided not to knock and just walked in to see boss shirtless in only his suit pants and shoes on, my eyes widened and i started to panic, "oh my god i'm so sorry." i quickly mumbled and walked out the room then closing the door behind me, my heart was pounding against my chest.

i'm not gonna lie he looked very nice without a shirt on but this is probably the worst time to see him like that, although my mind was already making up crazy ass scenarios but i was quickly snapped out of my thoughts when the door behind me swung open, "you need to knock next time miss evans." boss said from behind me before i sighed and turned to him.

"i know i'm sorry."

"what did you want?"

"i was going to give you this folder, i printed off the research you asked me to do and i also printed off some of our company charts and reviews to show the people."

"oh, thank you."

"no problem, and i'm sorry again."

i was still very much embarrassed but seeing him smile kind of made me feel better, "don't worry about it, i guess we're even now." he stated with a shrug, "even?" i questioned confused, "well i stared at your cleavage and you've seen me shirtless." he said bluntly and he did have a point.

"yeah, i guess you're right."

"so next time i look at your cleavage you have to see my bare body."

he instantly realized what he said while i started laughing but i wasn't against his words, "i meant as in my body waist up, not full." he explained quickly, "why not?" i questioned confidently taking him by surprise, "you want to see me naked?" he asked with raised brows and a smirk slowly developing but before i could think of words to reply with his voicemail came on.

"boss the other company arrived."

"okay thank you, i'm heading down now."

i sighed because suddenly i got a bit nervous to be in a meeting with people of power and i don't even know what they look like, "we're continuing this conversation on later, but for now let's go." boss said then pointed to the door so we walked out his office and stepped into the elevator before heading down to the ground floor.

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