Chapter Ten

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After the awkward incident in the cinema, Edward and Jacob went out and headed to a cafe just across the cinema. They sat down at the booth opposite each other and were looking at the menu when a waiter approached them.

"What can I offer you?" the waiter asked, sounding bored as she looked at the note pad in her hands.

"I would like a cup of black coffee," Edward answered.

She looked up at Edward, and a smile immediately graced her face. She adjusted her outfit, pushed her boobs up, and licked her lips while looking at Edward like a piece of meat.

"Would you like something else?"she purred.

"Yes, my boyfriend would like a medium ice cream sundae and three peanut butter and jelly cupcakes," he answered with a smile. Jacob's mouth dropped open.

"Close your mouth before you catch flies babe," Edward said, looking directly into Jacob's eyes.

They keep in staring deep into each other's eyes when the waitress coughed. "Is that all?"

"Yes,"Edward answered with a smile

He looked back at Jacob, who was avoiding his eyes, and decided to start up a conversation while they waited for their orders.

"What a shame. My boyfriend is ignoring me on our second date," Edward said with a pout.

Jacob looked at Edward's face and started laughing.

"What's wrong?... Is there something on my face?" Edward asked.

Jacob just smiled and shook his head.

Just then, a male waiter brought their orders.

Immediately, Jacob took a spoonful of the ice cream sundae. He closed his eyes and relished the delicious taste. He took another spoon and moaned.

Edward looked at him and smiled at how happy his mate looked. He took a sip of his coffee and looked back at Jacob who now had an ice cream moustache and laughed.

"You have a moustache, Jake," Edward said, laughing.

Jacob pouted, making him look a kid and started using his hands to clean his mouth.

"Let me help you," Edward said and stretched his hand across the table. He cleaned the ice cream and smiled at Jacob who was trying his hardest to hide his blush.

"I have an idea Edward," Jacob said, taking a bite of his cupcake.

"Sure tell me."

"Let's play twenty questions so that we will get to know each other better," Jacob said.

"Sure Jake...."

Today had been a great day. After Edward and I left the cinema and went to that cafe, I was so happy because that movie is so scary. I never was a fan of horror films.

At the cafe, when that waitress was shamelessly trying to seduce Edward, I got mad and a bit jealous, though I didn't know why I was jealous, but when he called me his boyfriend, I felt so happy and relieved at the same time.

While we were playing twenty questions, I found out a lot of interesting things about my new friend. When I finished my cupcakes, Edward asked for the bills and insisted on paying so I allowed him to.

We were at the cinema parking lot, chatting and just enjoying each other's company when Jasper, Alice, and Zelia walked up to us.

We said our goodbyes and while Jasper offered to drop off Zelia, Edward offered to drop me off. The ride was very comfortable even thought Edward and I didn't talk much. His mere presence was comforting to me, and I never felt that way about anyone before. I felt so comfortable and safe around him. It was like I had known him all my life.

There was this disturbing feeling of being watched by someone while we were together, but maybe I was just imagining it.

After he dropped me off, I went to go take a shower. After my shower, I applied lotion on to my body and pulled on my girly pajamas that my mom bought for me on her last trip to new York.

Then, I went to my bed and fell face first.

I was in my room thinking about my sweet mate and all the events that occurred today and felt a smile grace my face. I thought about how scared he was watching that movie and how he unconsciously took comfort in my presence and touch.

I felt the need to be with him and hear his angelic voice all the time. I took my phone and checked the time: 10:56pm.

He's probably sleeping by now. I go over to my piano and start playing it when I hear a voice calling me. A voice I know too well...

But how is it possible? I raced down stairs and started running full speed towards Jake's house.

I stood outside the house and spotted an open window. I quietly jumped and landed smoothly inside the window; I immediately feel warmth engulf me when I smelled the pure and beautiful scent of my mate...

His scent was the combination of strawberry and vanilla. I closed my eyes savoring the scent and letting it soothe me before opening my eyes and seeing my beautiful mate sprawled on to his bed.

He looked so peaceful and beautiful; the moonlight shinning on his face made him glow like an angel.

My angel.

I looked at what he was putting on and felt like jumping him right here and now. The black color of his pajamas greatly contrasted with his beautiful skin and his long, lean hairless legs. His ass looked so round and-

God, I'm a pervert. I walked up to my mate and tucked him well in his bed before running my hands in his hair. Then, I started singing a lullaby softly.

Unknown POV

I was at the cinema today to watch a movie with my next meal, who happens to be a gorgeous redhead, when I stopped members of the Cullen clan with two humans right next to me.

But only two people caught my interest in the group: Edward Cullen and the human boy.

I was so happy that I finally found the Cullen clan; Master is going to be so happy when I tell him I found his boy toy, Edward.

Halfway through the movie, I saw Edward and the human boy going out on the theater so I followed them. I watched them interact and quickly came to the conclusion that that human was Edwards' mate; Master will not be happy about that part of the news.

I kept on following them where I found out where the human's house and Cullens' house were.

I pulled out my phone and called my master.

(M is for master, while U is for unknown)

M:What is it?
U:Master, I have great news for you.
U:I found the Cullen clan.
M:Really? What of Edward?
U:I found him too, Master.
U:Washington but...
M:But what?
U: There is a human... I think he is his mate.
M:What? Keep following them, and if the human really is his mate, get rid of him and bring my mate to me.
U:As you wish, master.


This chapter is dedicated to itsdm- and thisisshe3 for voting on all the previous chapters.

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