Chapter Seven

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Edwards POV

While my mate (whose name I don't know yet) sleeps in Alice's room, Alice and Jasper arrive. I walk out of her bedroom and meet them in the living room.

"How is he doing?" Alice asked, worry written all over her face.

" I can't tell because he is still unconscious. I just hope he will be okay when he wakes up, Alice," I told her.

" He will be fine, Edd," Alice comforted me.

"I think I should go grocery shopping because he will be hungry when he wakes up," I sighed.

"Great idea, but you should stay with your mate. Jasper and I will go," Alice said.

"No, Alice. I don't want to bother you both," I retaliated. 

"It's really not a bother, Edward. You are my brother. Also Jasper is getting affected by his blood," Alice said, casting Jasper a sideway glance.

"Okay thanks guys," I smiled, giving in.

On my way to Alice's room, I suddenly hear my mate's troubled thoughts: I can't breathe...why can't I breathe? Everything hurts...

In a flash, I run into her bedroom and see him hyperventilating on the floor with tears streaming down his face.

I walk up to him and kneel beside him. I take his face in my hands and immediately feel sparks run up me when I touch him. The sparks travel from my hands to every part of me, igniting a sweet sensation of need in me, but I ignore the feeling and focus on my mate.

"Hey baby, look at me. Look into my eyes and take a deep breath," I muttered.

I can't breathe, he thought.

"Yes you can," I said, placing his hands on my chest. "Now breathe with me and think happy thoughts."

"Deep breath," I breathe in, and he did the same.  "You are doing great, baby. Keep going."

We continued this breathing pattern for five more minutes before he completely calmed down.

"Thanks uhm..." my mate says hesitantly.

What's his name... I hear his thoughts. I don't know his name...Sam? Daniel? Dominic? Paul? No, I think "Angel" suits him best. He totally looks like one.

"Edward. My name is Edward, and you are welcome," I said.

I smell blood rushing to his cheeks. I feel myself smile at my mate blushing just because of my name. I nearly laugh out loud at him for coming up with those absurd names.

"You should go shower to cool down while I prepare something for you to eat," I chuckle.

"What about clothes?" he asked.

"You can borrow mine," I responded.

"We need to talk" he said.

"We will after you have showered and eaten."

"Okay," he whispered

"Wait here," I told him.

I go to my room and entered my closet before picking out a white shirt and an ash colored sweatpants. I go back to Alice's room and hand the clothes to him. He thanked me, and I lead him to the shower before heading down to the kitchen where I see Alice and Jasper.

"Thank God, you are back. I thought you forgot about the grocery shopping and instead went for a date," I sighed in relief.

Alice laughed and started arranging the grocery in the fridge. "And I thought we arrived early." 

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