Chapter Six

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Jacob's POV 

I wake from the sunlight shining through the room. Rubbing my eyes, I groan in pain as I turn my body. My head and body feel extremely sore.

I look around and gulp. This isn't my room. 

I try to remember how I got here, and the events that occurred last night slowly replay themselves like a movie. 

I remember going to the club with Zelia, drinking champagne, going to the restroom, and Greg forcing himself on me. And then...and then a man came in...but I had blacked out and couldn't remember anymore.

Oh my gosh... what if the guy was friends with Greg? What if they both raped me? 

My vision begins to blur, and the next thing I know, tears start rolling  down my cheeks. I start breathing heavily; my heart constricts. I begin to hyperventilate before I know it.

I try to breathe, but for some reason, I can't. I can't breathe. I can't breathe.

My heart hurts, and my lungs are crying for air.

Everything hurts.


Very short chapter but I'll make up for it.


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