Chapter Nine

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I was in my room playing the piano 🎹 when my mate's cute face popped up in my head. I remembered his cute and innocent expression, his pink luscious lips that I just wanted to kiss all day long, his soft silky hair that I wanted to run my hand through and his sweet intoxicating scent, his.....

My thoughts get interrupted by Alice's loud voice...

"Jasper I'm so excited for this evening... I seriously can't wait to see Jacob. He is so adorable!" I heard her squeal.

"Yes he is," Jasper answered humorlessly.

"You sound off, Jazz. Is something wrong? Don't you like him?" Alice asked.

"I like him a lot Alice, but the problem is....." Jasper hesitated.

"Is what?" Alice urged.

"His blood is too sweet Alice. Also his scent is way too intoxicating. He smells almost as good as you, and you are my mate. How is that possible?" Jasper sighed.

"You are right about that Jazz, but don't worry, I will be there too and nothing will happen," Alice answered.

"Alice I'm scared I won't be able to control my bloodlust. I don't want to hurt him," Jasper said.

"You will be able to control it Jazz... Why don't we go for a run and maybe hunt?" Alice proposed. "Also I think Edward is the one who should be worried. He has a human mate with a sweet and intoxicating scent and blood... watching him trying to control himself from jumping Jacob will be fun. What do you think, babe?"

They both began laughing. Jasper recovered from his laughter and said, "Let's go running, babe."

I heard them go out the door, and suddenly, the house was very quiet. After listening to Alice's and Jasper's conversation, I realized I wasn't even ready to see my mate today.

I was so excited that today I would get to see my precious mate. The time i spent without him was like being ripped in half; it was like my soul was ripped from me, and there was an empty void in my heart, a void that only my sweet mate could fill.

When I dropped him off at his house, the moment he got out of the car and entered his house, I missed his presence. When I drove off, it was the hardest thing I had ever done.

I missed him so much and was sulking in the living room when Alice decided to call him.
The moment he picked up the call and spoke, I felt at peace hearing his angelic voice.

Why does my mind keep drifting back to him? I need to get ready.

(Time skip)

I had finished dressing up in a white v-neck shirt, black skinny jeans and a white hightop converse. I checked myself in the mirror and headed downstairs to meet up with Jasper. Alice decided to go pick up Jacob while Jasper and I go to the cinema and buy tickets for the movie and snacks.

I grabbed my jacket, locked the door, and drove off with Jasper.


I got down from my car and rang Jacob's door bell. A woman, who appeared to be in her late twenties with dark brown hair tied in a messy bun and soft blue eyes, opened the door and gave me a sweet smile.

"Hi Mrs. Black, I'm Alice, and I'm here to pick up Jacob and Zelia," I said with a smile.

"Please come in," she said, moving to the side. I walked into the house and immediately found myself loving the house..

"Jacob and Zelia are upstairs in his room. You should join them," Mrs. Black told me.

"Thanks Mrs. Black," I answered, giving her a dazzling smile.

"Oh dear, stop with all the formality.... Just call me Maya," Mrs. Black smiled at me.

"Okay Maya." I grinned back at her. As I walked up the wooden steps, I glided my hand over the smooth banister. The walls, like the whole house, was painted white. The house had a cozy and homey feel that I loved.

I arrived in front of a wooden door; my senses was immediately invaded with Jacob's scent. I raised my hand to knock the door when it opened.

"Hi Alice," Jacob said smiling at me.

"Hi Jake! You look so cute," I squealed, pulling him into a huge hug.

"Can't breathe," Jacob gasped.

"Sorry,"I said, giving him a sheepish grin.

"Hello I'm Zelia," the girl standing behind Jacob said with a smile. I took her outstretched hand and shook it.

"I'm Alice... I think we should get going. The boys must be tired of waiting," I said smiling/

"Yes let's go," Zelia said, dragging Jacob with her.

We went downstairs, and after getting an earful from Maya about road safety and coming back early, we finally hit the road to the cinema.


Immediately, when we stepped into the waiting area, I spotted Edward and Jasper. We walked up to them, and after exchanging pleasantries and introducing the guys to Zelia, we collected our snacks and movie tickets from Edward and Jasper.

Edward's POV

I was anxiously waiting for the arrival of my mate when I smelled his intoxicating scent. I felt so alive but felt my mood dampen when I spotted a blonde girl practically hanging off his arm. But as soon as he introduced her as his best friend, I felt relieved.

"What movie are we watching?" Zelia asked

I looked at the tickets I was holding and said, "Child's play. It's a horror movie."

"Ooh I love horror movies but Jake is well....... not a fan," Zelia said smiling at him.

"Is that so Jake? We could watch something else if you don't like horror movies,"I said, giving my mate a concerned look. I knew Zelia was telling the truth because once I mentioned that that we were watching a horror movie, his heart skipped a beat and his thoughts became all jumbled up.

"N.... No it's okay," Jacob answered.

We got into the cinema and I must admit I loved the sitting arrangement. My mate was sitting beside me while his friend was sitting between Alice and Jasper. Halfway through the movie, Jacob suddenly grabbed my hand tightly in his and hid his face in my chest.

"Are you okay?" I asked touching his head.

I'm not okay... I feel nauseous watching this, I heard his thoughts say.

"I'm fine," he said, giving me a beautiful smile. If I didn't hear his thoughts I would have totally bought that.

"Well.... I'm afraid.... would you go out with me to buy more snacks?" I asked him, looking straight into his beautiful eyes and immediately felt myself get lost at staring into the depths of his chocolate brown iris.

He opened his mouth to answer but no words came out of his mouth. His eyes traveled down to my lips and looked back into my eyes. At that moment, I felt the strong urge to kiss him and completely claim him, but I knew it was too early for that.

I coughed, and he looked away.

"Sure let's go," he said, not looking into my eyes.



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