Chap. 44

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Chapter 44

(Kristen's POV)

-continuing from previous chapter-

"Kristen! Get back in this house!"

"No! You don't scare me and I'm not coming back!" I turn around and cross my arms.

"You have no one else. You don't have Gavin or Alli. Just please stay here." I look down and wipe my eyes.

"I have someone else, and it's not you."

"Kristen, please." I cross my arms and glare at him.

"NO." I turn the other way and start walking down the street. I go to the playground to see no one there. I sit on the swing and go on my phone.

"Stand up." I look up and see Allie.

"Just leave me alone." She sits next to me and sighs.

"Leave." I glare at her and she stands up.

"I'm not leaving until you get up."

"Then you'll be here for a while."

"Kristen Trippy, get your ass up." I glare at her and look down at my phone. She grabs my phone from me and puts it in her pocket.

"What the hell?! My dad wouldn't even do that!"

"If you get up and go back home you'll get your phone." She crosses her arms and I stand up.

"I actually liked you! You cared for me but now you don't give a shit about me!" I stand up and start walking back to the house. I open the door then slam it shut.

"Look, your home." I glare at my dad and cross my arms.

"I hate your wife."

"Allie? Why do you hate her?"

"She fucking took my phone for no apparent reason! That's MY phone!"

"You weren't paying attention to her!"

"I don't have too! She isn't even my mom! Just tell her to give me my phone back!" Allie comes in the door and hands me my phone. I snatch it from her and roll my eyes.

"I hate you!" I walk upstairs and slam my door shut. I walk around my room and see a picture frame with a picture of Allie and I in it. I grab it off my desk and throw it at my wall. The glass shatters into pieces and the frame breaks.

I sit on my bed and curl into a ball. I start shaking and crying. My door opens and I look up to see who it is. Allie looks over at me and then over at the broken picture.

"Char! Can you bring a broom and dust pan?!" She yells then walks into my room.

"Go downstairs." I shake my head and quickly wipe my eyes.

"Come on Kristen." She grabs my hands and pulls me off my bed. I walk downstairs as Charles goes upstairs. I walk outside and grab my laptop and iPad.

"Kristen?" I turn around and see Melissa.

"Come here." I look down and walk over to her. I cry into her shoulder and she rubs my back.

"Go get your shoes on, ok?" I nod and walk inside. I slide my boots on and fix my hair.

"Where are we going?" I feel myself still shaking but I don't pay attention.

"Just on a little drive."

"Charlie!" He runs down the stairs and looks at us.

"What's going on?"

"I'm going to take Kristen out for a little while, is that ok?"

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