Chap. 63

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Chapter 63

(Kristen's POV)

"Gavin! Come on we have to go to my
parents house!" I laugh and pull his arm.

"Kristen, calm down we have time." He laughs and kisses me.

"Can you get Noah for me?" He nods and kisses my head.

"Thank you!" I call and smile.

"Of course babe!" He jokes and laughs. I laugh and take out my camera.

"Good afternoon guys! We are all about to go over to my parents house for something very special!"

"Name reveal!" Gavin yells and runs out to the living room with Noah.

"Gavin! We aren't the only ones in this apartment complex." I laugh and kiss Noah's head.

"Let's go!" I say and go to the door. Gavin laughs and looks at the camera then me.

"Be quiet, we aren't the only ones in the apartment complex, geez Kristen." I glare at Gavin and open the door.

"I swear he is a child." I say and roll my eyes at the camera. I walk down the steps and turn the camera off.

"So do your parents have everything set up for the video?" I nod and smile at Gavin.

"I'm so excited to finally tell everyone the name of little Saylor." I smile and hold my stomach.

"I love you." Gavin says and smiles at me. He buckles Noah into his car seat and closes the back door.

"I love you too." I hug him and he kisses me.

"Ready?" I nod and smile. We both get in his truck and drive to my parents house.


"Mom! These look great!" I smile and hug her. Gavin looks at the two banners that say our baby's name and smiles.

"Thank you so much, for everything." He smiles and hugs her. Dad comes down the steps and smiles.

"Hey you two, are you excited?" I nod and continue looking at the banners.

"So how are we going to set this up?" Mom asks and walks outside with the camera. It's a beautiful day outside for this video, it's sunny and not too hot for it being June.

"Well I'm thinking Noah needs to come out here to help." I say and laugh. My dad brings Noah out along with the two banners. Gavin sets up two step ladders where the banner with her middle name will be tied while I untangle the banner with her first name.

"Okay so I think after we get the shot of Gavin and Noah putting the middle name one the step ladder, Gavin goes out of the shot and comes back with me and this banner and we both hold it up while Noah is his cute little self?" I shrug and laugh.

"That's all I got." I say and look at Gavin.

"Doesn't sound bad, we can try it." I smile and help set up. I grab my phone and tweet something.

'Something big is happening today, video will be out later.'  I tweet and lock my phone. My dad sets the camera up and starts filming us set the shots up.


"It looks so good!" I smile and watch the finished product of the name reveal video.

"Ready to upload it?" My dad asks. I nod and smile. I go onto youtube and start uploading to my channel.

'Video is uploading! Will be up in about 45 minutes!' I tweet and lock my phone again.

I get so many questions after I tweet that and smile down at my phone.

'@kristentrippy what?! Do we finally get to know your baby's name?!'

'@kristentrippy I can't wait to hear what your baby girls name is.'

'@kristentrippy ahhhh!! I can't freaking wait!!'

I laugh and lock my phone again. I walk to the living room and sit next to Gavin.

"I love you." He says and kisses my head.

"I love you too." I look up at him and smile. I kiss him and he wraps his arms around me.

"Kristen!" Avery yells as she opens the front door. My mom jumps and looks over at the door.

"Holy shit Avery!" I laugh and stand up to hug her.

"I guess I forgot to tell you she was coming." I smile and walk back over to the couch.

"What is that child's name?!" She asks and whines.

"You'll know in like 20 minutes." She sighs and looks around the house.

"So the video is already filmed?" I nod and laugh.

"It's all cleaned up, you won't find her name in this house."

"But I will on your computer!" She laughs and runs over to my laptop. Gavin grabs it before she does and she whines.

"I just want to know her name."

"Gavin can we tell her?" Gavin shrugs and I smile.

"Her name is..." I look at Gavin and then at Avery.

"Saylor Ryanne." Avery looks at me and then at Gavin.

"That name is adorable! That's so freaking cute! Oh my gosh I can't wait till she's born! Saylor is such a cute name!" I laugh and hug her.

"I like it better than Mabry, like a lot." I nod and smile.

"Me too."

"The name was going to be Mabry?" My mom asks.

"I don't know how I feel about that name." She laughs and I look over at her.

"I like it but I think Saylor is better." I say and look at Gavin. He nods and kisses my head.

"I can't wait till we have her." I say and hug him. He kisses my head and nods.

"Me too." I let go of him and look over at the laptop.

"10 minutes!" I call and smile.

"Gavin I'm so excited!" I laugh and sit on the couch. Gavin kisses my head and hugs me.


"Ready?" I ask, smiling at everyone.

"Ready." They reply back.

"3... 2... 1... It's uploaded!" I scream with excitement and jump up. I hug Gavin and he laughs.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


Wow, this took my forever to upload.

Sorry about that

I'll upload another chapter of life after Mattie in a few minutes.

Thank you guys for being patient with me😂

I think the next chapter will be when she goes into labor??

How does that sound?

Comment below if you think I should do that or just do a different chapter.


College Life (a CTFxC fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon