Chap. 61

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Chapter 61

(Kristen's POV)

We get to my parents house and we go inside.

"Hi mom! Hi dad!" I call and close the door once Gavin comes in.

"Kristen!" Chaz and Anna run to the front door.

"Hey you two." I smile and hug them.

"Hi Gavin!" They hug Gavin and I walk to my parents office.

"Hey, how did it go?" My dad smiles.

"Good, kind of awkward but good." I smile and sit in the extra chair. Gavin comes in and grabs the back of my chair.

"Hey Gavin." My mom smiles and goes back to her computer.

"Where's Noah?" I ask my parents.

"Taking a nap." I nod and smile. I look down at my phone and text Avery.

"Avery's coming home today." I smile and look at my parents.

"Should we go pick them up?"

"No, Caleb drove there so their car is there."

"Oh, well tell them to come over." My dad says and smiles.

"Really?" I smile and hug my dad. I grab my phone and call Avery.

"Hey Kristen"

"Hey Ave, when do you get on the plane?"

"Probably in twenty minutes, and it's about a five hour flight so we will be home by six."

"Ok cool, my dad said you guys can come over if you want too."

"Really? I want to see you guys so bad! Would it be fine if we came over after we land? Like get in the car and drive to your house?"

"Yeah that would be perfect. You have missed so much." I say and laugh.

"And I don't watch your videos so I really don't know what has happened!" She also laughs and sighs.

"Well I guess I better get, I need to charge my phone and go to get food. I'll see you soon!"

"Alrighty, see you soon Avery."

"See ya!"

She hangs up and I hug Gavin.

"I love you." He smiles and kisses me.

"Love you too."

"Avery and Caleb are going to come over once they land."

"Ok cool, I'm going to go to the grocery store and then start making dinner a little after I get back." Mom says and stands up. She goes over to dad and gives him a kiss.

"I'll be back soon." She kisses my head and smiles at Gavin.

"Anna, Chaz, Jackson, do any of you want to come to the grocery store with me?!" I hear feet stomping upstairs and then jumping on the ground.

"I have Chaz and Jackson with me!" Mom calls and they leave.

"You two are so cute." I say and look at dad.

"Whatever." He laughs and returns to his computer.

"Are y'all going to get remarried?"

"If she wants too then we will but I'm going to leave it up to her."

"That's so cute. I wish Gavin acted like that." I say and look at Gavin.

"Kristen!" He laughs and shakes his head. I smile at him and look at my dad.

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