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Chapter 3
(Kristen's POV)
Today I'm going to FSU with Melissa.
Danny and Lindsey are taking care of Noah for me.
I get in my car and turn on my camera,
"Today is orientation day! I'm driving to Melissa's apartment and in going to pick her up. Noah is with Danny and Lindsey so he won't disturb others at FSU."
I turn off my camera and start blasting music.
I turn into the apartment complexes and I honk my horn.
Melissa leans over the balcony and waves. She runs down the stairs and gets in my car.
"Hi." I smile,
"Hi." She buckles in and I drive to FSU.
"How are you today?" She asks when we stop at a red light,
"Fine, tired." She nods,
"Same. Are you nervous?"
"No, why would I be?" She shrugs and I turn left.
"Is this the right way?" She nods,
"Yes just take another left then a right." I nod and follow her directions.
We finally arrive outside of FSU.
"Wow, this place looks amazing..." Melissa nods and we both get out of the car.
"Are you getting a dorm or no?"
"I don't think so but I feel like it would be better than living with Danny and Lindsey."
"You should at them if it's worth it."
"I did yesterday, they said it wasn't worth it but I feel like I should get one."
"Don't, if they think it's not worth it then it isn't." I nod and we go to the registration office.
"Ah, you must be Kristen Trippy, nice to finally meet you." The head master says, holding out his hand.
"Nice to meet you too." I say, shaking his hand.
"Who is this you have with you?"
"Oh, my aunt, Melissa."
"Ah, do you happen to be related to Allison Speed?"
I look at Melissa and she shrugs,
"Used to be my sister-in-law but my brother and her separated."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, and you Kristen are her daughter?" I nod,
"Fantastic, what are you coming to study?"
"I'm going into film making."
"Wonderful, the tour will start in five minutes." Melissa and I nod and leave his office,
"He seems nice." I nod,
"Yep." We walk out and see a big group of people waiting for the tour to start.
Five minutes pass and our guide appears,
"Hello! My name is Christine and I'm a senior at the wonderful FSU. I'm glad to see everyone who is considering to go to FSU. I will show you around campus and answer any questions."
We start out by seeing the main lobby and dining hall.
We go to the dorms and I lose interest. I look around and smile at some girl. She has beautiful auburn hair and the greenest eyes. She smiles back and waves. I turn back around once we start moving again.
An hour later the tour is over.
"If you have any questions don't be scared to come up and ask me, I would be glad to help you." I go looking for the girl I saw earlier.
"Hi, I noticed you were on the tour also, I'm Kristen." I hold out my hand and she smiles,
"I'm Autumn, nice to meet you." She shakes my hand and we talk for a little bit.
Melissa comes over and smiles at me,
"Who is this?"
"Autumn, she is a freshman also."
"Cool, nice to meet you." Autumn stands there wide eyed.
"What's wrong?"
"You're Melissa Trippy... So your Kristen Trippy... Your dad is Charles Trippy!" She jumps up and down and we laugh,
"Yep, I'm the "famous" Kristen Trippy." She laughs,
"I'm sorry I over reacted, I just watched your dad's vlogs till he quit. I watch your vlogs but I didn't even realize it was you." I laugh and take a deep breath.
"So, you getting a dorm room?" She nods,
"Yea my parents live in Pensacola and I have no family here, you are welcome to visit my room once I get settled in." I nod and smile,
"You are welcome to come over and meet Danny and Lindsey." She smiles and nods,
"It's a date." I laugh and we exchange numbers,
"Bye Autumn!"
"Bye Kristen." I smile and we walk to my car.
"Looks like you have a friend." I nod and I drive back to Melissa's apartment.
When we arrive I say bye to her and drive to Danny and Lindsey's.
I get to their house and get out. I go inside and smile at them,
"How was today?"
"Good, I met a friend."
"What's their name?"
"Autumn. She's a freshman." Lindsey nods and smiles,
"I just put Noah down for a nap." I nod and sit on the couch.
'How was today?' Charles texts me.
'Good, I can't wait till school starts.'
'Good, I'm glad.'
'The head master remembered Alli and asked Melissa if she was related to her.'
'Haha, what did she say?'
'She said she used to be her sister-in-law then you two separated.'
'Good, I thought she would say something ridiculous.'
'Well she didn't.'
'I have to go, Allie is calling me. Love you.'
'Love you too dad.'
I lock my phone and yawn,
"Are you tired?" Danny asks, playing FIFA with jake from mayday parade.
I nod and stand up,
"I'm going to bed." Danny nods and I go to my room.
I kiss Noah's head and lay on my bed.
I have a really good idea
But I can't do it until later in the school year.
I think I will skip to end of the first semester.
Sound good?
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