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Chapter 12

(Kristen's POV)

"Where's Gavin going to sleep tonight?" I shrug.

"I don't really care." I cross my arms.

"Should I sleep in your room?" Charles asks.

"I don't know, wouldn't it be awkward?" He shrugs and sighs. He points behind me and I quickly turn around.

"Gavin." I mumble under my breath.

"Kristen, may I speak to you?"

"No." I cross my arms and glare at him.

Charles nudges my arm.

"Kristen." I turn around and glare at my dad,

"I'm not talking to him." Charles sighs and kisses my head,

"You don't have to make up with him, just talk." I nod and Charles leaves. Gavin sits next to me but I scoot away.

"Kristen, she isn't my girlfriend! You need to realize I love you and not her."

"Then why were you making out with her? If she isn't your girlfriend then why were YOU making out with HER?! Why didn't you just leave when I left?!"

"Because she caught me off track and started kissing me!"

"If she was kissing you then how did she get on the hood of my car. Why were your hands on her waist. WHY DIDNT YOU STOP HER?!" I stand up and march off to my room.

"Kristen!" I slam my door which makes Noah cry.

I go over to him and pick him up.

"Please stop crying. I'm sorry buddy."

"Look at what you did! What a responsible parent you are!" I turn around and glare at Gavin.

"Shut it! At least I'm here for him!" I put a crying Noah down and go up to Gavin.

I grab a fist full of his shirt,

"Why don't you stop making out with other girls and take care of your son!" I let go of his shirt and go to the living room. I sit on the couch and sob into my hands.

Someone comes out and sits next to me. I lift my head and realize it's Charles. I turn around and see Danny and Lindsey in the kitchen.

I look at Charles with puffy red eyes.

"What happened now?" I scoot closer to Charles and hug him.

"I got mad at Gavin and stormed off to my room. I slammed the door and it made Noah cry. When I was trying to calm him down Gavin came in and said, 'look at what you did! What a responsible parent you are!'."

Charles holds me close to him. Noah's crying finally calms down and I sigh with relief.

I look down the hall where my room is and Gavin comes out,

"Don't let him talk to me." I whisper to my dad. He nods and Gavin comes over to me,

"Here." He hands me Noah and walks off.

I hold Noah close to me and sob into my dad's chest. He rubs my back and takes Noah from me.

11:00 p.m.

After watching a few movies with my dad I decide to go to bed.

"Goodnight Kristen."

"Night dad." He kisses my head and I go to my room with a sleeping Noah.

"Gavin, get out." I point towards the door and he grabs his phone and laptop.

"Bye." I roll my eyes and put Noah in his crib.

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