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Chapter 4
(Kristen's POV)
*end of first semester*
(The month is October and the date is 12. Noah was born May 12 year 2021)
I wake up and pick up Noah. He's four months today. I kiss his head and walk to the kitchen. I put him in a high chair and grab my bag,
"I will feed him then I will go." Lindsey nods and I get his baby food.
I start feeding him and Lindsey takes the food from me,
"Go change then leave, I got him."
"You sure?" She nods and I go to my room to change clothes.
I put on some jeans and an IKT tank.
"Bye, I'm leaving." Danny mumble something that I can't understand and Lindsey waves.
I go to my car and drive to school.
I vlog on my way there,
"Guys! Noah is four months today and I have to go to school, I have Monday Tuesday and Thursday classes. I'm so glad I don't have Friday classes, those are the worst. It's the last day of the semester which means a party! Yay! I can't wait." I pull into the parking lot and I turn off the camera.
I walk to my class and sit next to Autumn and Riley.
We slowly go through class and it's time for lunch.
I walk to the dining hall and sit next to Autumn.
"Are you going to the frat party?"
"Frat party? When?"
"At ten, it goes all night. Mason invited me and told me to bring friends, you should come."
"I'll think about it." I take out my phone and text Lindsey telling her in staying at Autumns dorm.
"Lindsey said it's fine. I said I was staying with you,"
"Awesome." She smiles and I pay for my food.
We eat and Mason sits by Autumn,
"Hey, you coming tonight?" She nods and smiles,
"So is Kristen."
"Ah, Trippy. You ready for a crazy night?"
"Sure, I'm up for anything." Autumn laughs and kisses Mason.
"See you there." He leaves the table and she smiles at me,
"I'm dating a junior, college is crazy." I nod and laugh.
"I'm dating a YouTube star with five siblings and he lives in Santa Monica." She laughs,
"I wish I was you."
"No, you don't."
"Why? Your life seems so easy."
"It's not, my parents divorced because my dad had sex with some other woman. My mom almost married a guy before she cut it off and now she has some new guy. My dad is getting married and I have a kid. My life isn't easy. At least your family is in the same state as you."
"Oh..." That made her shut up about my life.
"I'm going to class." I say standing up. She nods and quickly gets up.
"I'll come with you." I smile and we find seats all the way in the back.
Riley sits on my other side and class soon starts.
I almost fall asleep but Autumn nudges me,
"Three minutes till the day ends." I nod and listen for the last three minutes.
I get up once our professor dismisses us,
"Kristen, May I speak to you?" I nod and walk over to my professors desk.
"Yes sir?"
"Look, Ms. Trippy, your mother did amazing in this class and I suspect you to do the same. 3.0 is what I better see, got it?" I nod and leave the class.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, he just yelled at me because Alli did better than me."
"Alli?" Riley asks, confused.
"He's relating me to my mom, Allison Speed." Riley nods,
"Oh, that's stupid." I nod and walk to Autumns dorm.
"The party is at ten, we have seven hours." I nod and she opens up her dorm room.
I go to her bed and lay on it. She laughs and hangs her bag on her little hook. She sits next to me and I sit up,
"What kind of stuff is at this party?"
"Oh god, have you never gone to a frat party?"
"I'm not in with those people. I'm in with freshman's."
"It's crazy, people get drunk and it's just crazy."
"Get drunk...?"
"Don't worry, it isn't bad. It just makes you laugh and be crazy then the next day you are fine."
"No, you aren't fine the next day. Remember, my mom is Allison Speed who is famous for drunk gaming. The next day she is horrible."
"Well you should try it at least."
"Maybe." Autumn smirks and nudges me,
"You will have the best night." I smile and stand up,
"What should we do for seven hours?"
She shrugs and I take out my laptop,
"I'm going to FaceTime my dad so you can meet him." She nods and lays down on her bed.
I lay next to her and type in my password. I go on FaceTime and call my dad.
"Hi sweetie."
"Hi dad."
"Who's that?" He asks looking at Autumn.
"This is my friend, Autumn. She goes to FSU and she has a dorm, I'm staying with her tonight."
"Fun, nice to meet you Autumn. Gavin misses you a lot."
"Oh course he does, that butt head." Charles laughs and Allie comes in shot,
"Hi Kristen!"
"Hi Allie!" Autumn tapes my shoulder,
"Third Allie, newest one." She nods and I laugh.
"Kristen, we have something to tell you, but we are going to wait." Allie says.
Charles smiles at her and kisses her.
"What is it?! Don't make me wait!"
"Well, does your friend care if you freak out?" I look at Autumn and she shakes her head.
"Go, she said she doesn't care."
"Ok, here it goes." Charles says, smiling.
Allie smiles and hugs him,
"I'M PREGNANT!!" I cover my mouth and get off of Autumns bed.
I start jumping up and down and screaming.
"Yay!!!! New baby!!!" I hear Charles and Allie laughing.
I look over at Autumn and she has the laptop facing me,
"Are you joking?" I ask bending over to see them.
"No, we are not joking, I'm pregnant." I clap and squeal.
"Yay!" I continue to jump up and down.
"Kristen! I have people under me!" I laugh and sit down.
I turn the laptop around and can't stop smiling.
"Kristen, we have to go but we love you. Bye."
"Bye." I smile and disconnect the call.
I look at Autumn and clap.
"SHES HAVING A BABY!!!" I yell and laugh.
She smiles,
"Congratulations." I hug her and we watch YouTube videos for a while.
*9 o'clock*
"Kristen, we have to get ready."
I nod and Autumn hands me a dress,
"See if this fits." I take it and go to the bathroom. I change and come out.
She smiles,
"It looks better on you then on me." I smile and smile at her dress.
"Should we go early?" I nod and she hands me a little clutch. She hands me a leather jacket and she puts one on herself.
We walk down to her car and we get in.
"Ready for an amazing night?" I nod and she starts up her car.
We start driving to my first ever frat party.
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