The Play

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I keep saying I've watched every good show on Netflix and I need something new to watch. But as soon as 13 reasons why season 4 came out I watched it all in one day

In conclusion, I'm a dumbass


(The scene switches to the school play. MR. REYES walks out onto the stage.)

"Woo! That'th my dad!"

Welcome, everybody!

"Wait, but I thought Christine did the introduction at the play..." Jake said.

Then they all stared at the camera, Office style.

Thank you so much for coming to our production of 'A Midsummer Nightmare About Zombies!'

Michael cheered.

This has been a very trying time for us here at Middleborough. But I know that if Richard Goranski were here with us tonight instead of the intensive care unit at Beth Israel, he would say, "The show must go on!

Rich wiped a tear. "He knowth me tho well."

...with Mr. Reyes as my understudy.


(Intense pause.)

Our story begins in Athens! Georgia.

Michael wiped a tear. "He's so creative."

(In a southern accent) Where the mad doctor Thesus is plannin' her weddin'. (he gasps) But what is this mysterious illness that is plaguing all the guests?! And could it possibly be related to the sudden arrival of space aliens?! From space?!

"I love how he clarifies everything," Michael sighed dreamily.

Jeremy groaned.

(The curtain opens to the first scene of the school play.)

Now, fair Hippolyta! Our nuptial hour draws apace! Bring me patient zero!

Christine cheered.

(Backstage, CHRISTINE is walking around carrying her stage manager clipboard.)

Break a leg, everyone! Has anyone seen my hazmat suit for the love scene?! (facepalming) Also quiet backstage.

(JEREMY runs in.)




Jeremy! Where have you been?! The play's already started! Mr. Reyes made himself your understudy!

"I think he secretly wanted us all to flake to he could play every part," Brooke laughed.

I've been thinking about what you said—

"But you never think?"

"Thanks, Rich."

Can we please talk about this later?

Just listen to me!

Jenna threw a shoe at him.

Please. I spent my whole life feeling lonely and sad. Just getting through the day was so hard,

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