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I found the Book of Mormon bootleg with Ben Platt in it that I've been searching for since August, so I'm thriving

I made a list of musicals that I haven't listened to that I'm gonna listen to while in quarantine

I made a list of musicals that I haven't listened to that I'm gonna listen to while in quarantine

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Hairspray got taken off of Netflix before I watched it :')

So suggest me musicals maybe?

I'm so sorry for this chapter. I seriously had no ideas, and _Toaster told me to do this so blame her


Everyone stood in the theater, waiting for someone to suggest something or for something to happen. Finally, Rich broke the silence.

"I'm fucking hungry."

He left the room and went into the kitchen.

Brooke laughed. "I guess I'm pretty hungry too."

"Yeah, so am—"


Jeremy was cut off by Rich's scream coming from the kitchen. Everyone stared wide eyed at each other before running into the kitchen.

"Rich?!" Jake shouted as he ran in, nearly slipping.

Rich stood at the counter with a fork in his hand and a plate of cake in front of him. Alyssa stood behind him with a smile on her face.

"What's wrong?!" Jenna asked, confused and concerned at the same time.

"Thith cake is tho fucking good!" Rich exclaimed.

Everyone sighed in relief and annoyance.

"You scared us!" Chloe shouted.

"Damn, thorry for exthprething my love for her food."

Alyssa smiled, ignoring everyone's obvious annoyance. "I made the cake from scratch!"

"Is there weed in it?"

"I mean, if you want—"

"No!" everyone shouted.

Christine walked forward and stole Rich's fork.


She took a bite of the cake, and her eyes widened. "This is really good!"

Alyssa smiled. "Thank you! I don't usually share my amazing baking skills with," she wrinkled her nose, "people. But you guys are hardly people, so I figured I'd share."

"Thank you?" Mr. Heere said, clearly confused.

Alyssa began cutting slices and placing them on plates. "If you guys want some then..."

Jeremy pushed his way forward and grabbed a slice as Christine started handing them out to people.

The Squip stood in the corner with his arms crossed.

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