Heere We Go Again

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Oh my god hello

It's heere

It's not too beautiful

It's made in a rush

And it's a little undercooked

But it's still edible

And isn't that all that matters?


"Yo, duuude," Michael said to Jeremy, his fingers loosely gripping a joint.

Him and Jeremy were currently in his basement, stoned as fuck. They were planning on playing video games all day and then going out to dinner, but things had taken a very different toll.

Jeremy turned to him with bloodshot eyes. "Yeah?"

Michael laughed. "I think I'm fucking high."

A loud, dramatic gasp escaped Jeremy's mouth. "Oh my god, me too!" It was obvious to tell Michael was way more high than him, though, as Michael had been smoking long before Jeremy arrived.

"It's like we were meant for each other!" Michael cried, blinking back the tears that were coming to his eyes for literally no reason.

"I love you so much," Jeremy said, lazily letting his head fall back as he took a hit of the joint in his hands.

A soft sob could be heard from Michael's beanbag, and Jeremy snapped his head in that direction. Michael was staring at Jeremy, a few tears spilling from his eyes.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Jeremy asked, putting his joint down and going over to Michael.

Michael sniffed. "Th-that's the first time you've told me you loved me while you were high." He threw his arms around Jeremy. "It's the sweetest fucking thing you've ever said to me."

Jeremy laughed and laid back, pulling his boyfriend down with him. Michael stared down at him, basically pinning him down.

"I so wanna make out with you right now," Jeremy whispered.

"Then do it."

But before their lips could even connect, they were suddenly vanished, the smell of weed still lingering in the basement.


Jake and Rich walked into Rich's favorite restaurant, McDonalds. It was the same exact one that they were planning on having their second date at. That was, until things had taken a dramatic turn and they ended up spending over two hours watching a musical about their lives.

"I'm getting a thtrange thenthe of deja vu," Rich laughed.

Jake chuckled. "Yeah, I can't help but get that McFeeling too."

"Fucking hell." Rich knew Jake wouldn't stop putting 'Mc' in front of his words until they left the establishment.

The two of them walked over to a table and sat down. "I'll go up to the counter and order, okay? You want your McUsual?" Jake asked.

Rich nodded and rolled his eyes. "A ten piethe nugget with more than one fucking thauthe."

"Coming right up."

Jake walked up to the counter, clutching his wallet tightly in his hand. He couldn't help but shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. It was the same exact place that they were two months prior when they had been teleported to god knows where. His hands shook slightly as he thought about what would happen if they got teleported there again. He remembered all the pain that they all went though last time, and he feared it would be even worse if they were sent back.

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