Keanu has risen

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Currently thinking about how I was trying to mimic my friend's high pitched laugh but ended up screaming in his face

Also my school got an "early April vacation" because of the corona virus. So basically I have this week off, but I can't do anything except go on my phone, watch TV, and play Xbox




(JEREMY and MICHAEL sit in the food court. JEREMY examines his Squip.)

If this is real, my whole life could change... What if it's dangerous?

"Really?" Jenna gasped sarcastically. "Nobody would've guessed that!"

He said this was untested technology!

Technology isn't dangerous on its own. It's just about how we choose to use it.

"I'm calling Michael the next time I need advice," Chloe sad.

(Harsh whisper) So don't screw it up.

Alright. Here goes noth— ...everything...

(JEREMY puts the pill in his mouth and swallows it with the Mountain Dew.)

How does it taste?

Rich laughed. "That'th what you were wondering?"

"I was hungry, you micropenis."

(smacks lips) Minty.

How do you feel?

Michael cringed. You could head the shakiness in his voice from how scared he was. He didn't want his best and only friend to leave him, and he was absolutely terrified.


(The music becomes suspenseful and loud. JEREMY stands up, staring into the distance heroically.)

a chump. (He sits down sadly.)

"You know you're a chump when you unironically use the word 'chump'." Jake commented.

"Shut up, chump."

Nothing?! At all?! Try to say something cool!

Chloe turned to him. "What would he have said to lead you to believe he was cool?"

"Probably something about sports, idk."

Everyone looked at him.

"Did you just...use 'idk' in an actual sentence?" Brooke asked.

"Idk, did I?"

Be More Chill Reacts to Be More Chill (SEQUEL)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora