Chapter Twenty Six.

Start from the beginning

            I was so irritated right now. I felt like complete shit, even worse than this morning, and my stomach was in complete and utter knots. When I let out a groan and covered my face with my hands Justin leaned down and pressed his lips to my cheek, which actually made me feel a little better. He’s lucky he knows how to wake me up.

            “I’m sorry for waking you up beautiful. I know you don’t feel good but we have to leave for the flight sweetheart. I packed everything for you and I laid out a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Also, there’s water and Advil on the bedside table for you to take. I know that helps you the most.”

            My eyes adjusted to the light that was coming through the window and I glanced over to see him standing there with our suitcases by the door and cautiously sat up to make sure I wouldn’t vomit in front of him. If I so much as threw up once he would know what was wrong with me. I wouldn’t be making that mistake.

            “Hey.” I said when he went to turn around. “Kiss me. Thank you for this.”

            He kissed me, smiling from ear to ear, and then I took the two pills that were on the table and swallowed them as I let the cold water trickle down into my system. God, I really needed that.

            “How are you feeling?”

            “Shitty.” I responded, grabbing the sweatpants and quickly changing into them. “Let’s just get this plane ride over with.”


            We were at yet again another hotel and when we finally got there I let out a sigh of relief, feeling my head pounding beyond belief and my stomach still in knots. Last pregnancy it was never this bad and I know I haven’t taken a test yet but you just know when you’re pregnant. It’s like you can sense it.

            “I say…” Justin murmured, wrapping his arms around my waist. “We relax for tonight so you can start to feel better. I’ll start a bath, pour us a glass of champagne, and we can snuggle all damn night until the pain goes away. How’s that sound babe?”

            “U-Um I thought you weren’t drinking anymore.” I stuttered, feeling my heart rate start to pick up speed.

            “It’s just a glass.” He said. “It’s not going to do anything Sophia.”

            As he walked over to the fridge of the kitchen I didn’t know what to do when he took two wine glasses that were already on the counter and poured us each one, walking into the bathroom and setting them beside the tub as he started the water up. I’m pretty sure my face was as white as a ghost right now but I’m not sure how to get around the whole not drinking alcohol thing without him knowing I was pregnant.


            And then the wine glass was in my hands and I just shook my head no so I could pass it back to him.

            “It’s your favorite kind. Are you sure?”

            “I just don’t feel good like I said. I-I don’t feel like having any.”

            I was stuttering and he stared at me for a couple of moments as he started to undress himself, taking longer than usual because he seemed to be deep in thought. God, I should just tell him because I’d probably feel a lot better if I did but we were just starting over again. Telling him this might just ruin everything again.

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