hunt down

414 17 4


"Sir, we need to go to a house in the mountains. Their Sheriff just called in several explosions and gunfire at one of their cabins."

They all run to the car and head to the house. Once they get there they pass the yellow tape and walk onto a property riddled with bullet wholes and explosives.

"It seems that there has been quite the fight, here", Thomas points out quietly but the rest ignores him.

"Several gunmen, sniper rifles and handguns", Seven explains while looking at the scene.

"Look at the gunshot wounds of these men, they're very precise!"

"She was here", Agent Seven ends their little investigation and they all stay quiet for a minute.

"Well, what did we expect her to do? Sit back and wait for us to clear her name?"

"No but shooting up a cabin is also not the best way to clear her name."

"I don't think she's trying to clear her name. She knows we know it wasn't her but she doesn't seem like the type to care what other people think about her, does she?", Agent Voight looks at his team and they shake their head.

"But these aren't other teenagers, this is the government and justice system!"


Agent Voight gets a call and excuses himself while the team looks at the scene some more.

"You think she was hit, too?", Luise asks quietly and they all shrug.

"I saw a bar a mile down the road we should ask them", Thomas suggest and they all turn to him dumbfounded.

"You do know this is the devil's angels territory right? They won't ever talk to us!", Guinevere points out.

"We could try?", Luise asks and they nod. They catch up with Agent Voight who is still on the phone and drive down to the bar.

Once they enter all chatter immediately stops and the people just stare at them. The team can all see the guns that are slowly pulled out and they quickly raise their hands.

"We're not here to arrest anyone or cause trouble. We just have one question."

"That's usually what causes the trouble", a big man, easily identifies as Hank Deckard emerges from the crowds and stares them down.

"We're searching for a girl, River Vincent. You seen her?"

He shakes his head. Luise pulls out her tablet and a photo showing it to him.

"Are you sure?"

"Girly, I think I would know if there was a FBI woman running around my bar."

"She's not FBI, she's a civilian."

"Can't help ya!"

They all nod and get back in the car.

"Well, that was a dead end."

"Listen up team! I just got a call that from now we're working together with a task force who are investigating terrorist groups in the Far East. I want you all on best behavior but don't share too much about River, understood?"

They all nod and once they arrive back at headquarters they're lead to the second floor into a huge operations center. Everyone in there to them when they enter and Agent Voight is the first one to talk.

"Good evening?", he looks at his clock showing 2.46 am before looking back up, "nice to meet you all, I'm Agent Voight and this is my team."

A woman steps forward and shakes his hand.

Trapped 13?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ