2 m to the right, sir.

437 18 0

It's the day of the fundraising marathon and the whole city is one gigantic chaos. Everyone is on the streets, choppers are scanning from above and police cars cover the grounds. No one is supposed to go unnoticed today.

I stand in front of my small mirror quickly fixing my bun before heading out the door. The time is 6.38 am. Call time- 0700 sharp.

Don and Francis are with me today, too. I can feel the tension coming off both of them. They know today can either go very good or end in an absolute catastrophe with the possibility of a dead First Family.

I managed to buy parts for a sniper rifle and put them all together so that I have my own rifle for today. It is sitting on the seat next to me and I unintentionally put my hand on top of it. I will be in my perimeter but if there are any signs of foul play or danger I am relocating to higher location to get a better overview. I'm still not 100% sure which building they are going to pick and right now this poses as a big problem.

My heart is beating loud in my chest. Too loud. I can't even hear my own thoughts anymore. I close my eyes and try to steady my breathing before watching the houses pass by.

As we get closer to the city the security gets tighter and my heartbeat speeds up even more. My fists are clenched and I can't stop watching every movement around me. My main focus is on the roofs of the buildings we pass to check for any unusual activity but I can't seem to find any at the moment.

We stop at several security checks before arriving at our destination. As soon as I get out I see familiar faces swarming around the place trying to organize everything as best as possible.


I turn to see two of the agents I am paired with walk towards me and I quickly nod at Francis before heading over.

"Nice timing! Everything is crazy. Try to stay with us and don't get lost."

I nod absent still watching my surrounding carefully. People with blue and yellow jackets cover the area around us, armed with guns and all miced up.

Francis and Don were given a special permission to be here as my protection and helpers so they were put into the perimeter next to me. They, too, are currently meeting up with their team but I can feel their cautious eyes on me at all times, which makes the day a little less scary.

After a while we're all called together and last instructions were given.
We were to listen to our radio at all times.
We were to stay in pairs at all times.
If there are any problems we were to tell our supervisor first before alerting higher ups.
And lastly, we were to keep our eyes open at all times. No distractions.

My hand taps against my legs and I continue to watch the roofs for any sings of attack or just the smallest reflection indicating a sniper. But nothing... yet.

I check the time one last time: 08.03 am. The run starts at 08.15 am sharp.

"Okay everyone! Let's do this! Spread out!"

I nod at Francis and Don before following my group and taking position.

Let the chaos begin...
53 minutes later
So far the marathon is going well. Thousands of people showed up to either run or support the runners, cheering loudly and spreading positivity, very unaware of the danger awaiting them.

Not one serious threat has been called in yet but I am very sure that it is still going to happen. It can't not happen. He wouldn't miss this opportunity. Unless he left the clues on purpose.

But that can't be. I quickly shake my head and concentrate on my surrounding again. The marathon is 25 miles (40 km) so it'll be a couple of hours before the President arrives.

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