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"They found Ms Vincent's last known location. It's a warehouse near the Highland. Let's roll out!"

The SIU gets up and is spread out in three cars in seconds. They speed down the streets and it only takes them 18 minutes instead of 33 to reach the warehouse. Everything is fenced off with tape but they are let through immediately.

Agents Halstead and Voight lead the way and once they enter the warehouse they all use flashlights because the electricity was shut off.

"Why do warehouses always have to be so creepy?", Thomas River asks quietly.

"Wuss", Guinevere spits at him and takes his place.

"Okay, so this is where she was held", Agent Halstead begins, "and it seems that she was chained to the wall."

They all look around and examine the place. It's dirty and not much is lying around but the few things there are seem to be very telling.

"She freed herself with a screw."

Everyone turns to Agent 007 who has been quiet the whole time. He points towards one of the upper bars where a little while indicates a missing screw. They examine the bar properly and nod.

"Nevertheless, she was tortured. Electrocuted to be exact", Luise whispers and the team stays silent for a second before continuing their search.

"So, she was electrocuted here and then she somehow managed to loosen the screw and escape. But how did she get out of the warehouse?"

Agent 007 slowly moves around the room and into the hallway to check out the exits. Guinevere follows him closely.

007 sees the marks on the lock and quickly concludes that this was River's exit route.

The team is now, too, in the hallway behind him and they all check out the side exit.

"So she gets out of the chains, runs to this hallway probably after deliberately debating which way is quicker and using something to pick the lock", Agent Voight explains.

"Hairpins, she used her hair pins to pick the lock", Luisa adds and the other nod.

They all exit through the door and examine the outside.

"This area is close to Highlands. She probably managed to escape through there. A person walking through Highlands at night is not unusual at all. No one would have noticed."

"But where did she go from there? We don't have anything on her about Highlands or areas around it. We raided the warehouse and the Vincent family doesn't have any other building or properties in this area. And all the others were already cleared. So where is she?", Luise asks nervously.

Everyone piles out and looks around for any clues.

"Blood. She's injured badly!"

"If she's injured she needed to get medical attention. What do we know about injuries from the marathon?"

"She has a bullet wound in her stomach. A bullet from the secret service went through. It's most likely that the wound opened up again", Luise explains again.

"Is there a blood trail?"

They move in the direction of the blood but can't find anything else.

"No, nothing", Guinevere yells out, "we need to find her. She can't get that far if you say she would need medical attention-"

"She doesn't. She can take care of herself", Agent 007 interrupts quietly and everyone turns to him.

"She trained. She knows how to treat herself."

Trapped 13?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن