infinite questions

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"I'm very glad to see that you're shoulder has healed well but you will still need to wear this sling for another 3 weeks, please."

Dr Shaw is doing his last checkup on me before I am transported to the FBI headquarters for further questioning, this time flanked by my parents, an expensive looking lawyer and a set of 5 bodyguards.

All eyes are on me and I feel uncomfortable but I just nod and go along with whatever is said.

Just do what you're told and you'll be fine.

A sentence I've heard so many times over the years.

"You'll have to come in for weekly checkups and then we'll see how fast you're going to be back on track! That's it for today, please don't forget to take your meds and sign up for physiotherapy for your shoulder."

I nod and my parents thank him before guiding me out.

"Oh and River before I forget, no sport!"

I resist to roll my eyes and nod again.

"We'll keep and eye on her Doctor! Thank you so much again", my dad smiles at him and follows us out.

We walk along the white halls and reach the exit to get to our car. The bodyguards form a v-shaped figure around us while escorting us to our car.

I am not too comfortable with them following my every move but I am too scared to say something wrong and being punished or thrown out again.

Lawrence sighs and looks at me: "I'm sorry you have to go through all of this. Do you need anything?"

I just shake my head and look at my hands again. I haven't been talking much to them and they still try to tell me about all the memories we have together but I just was not comfortable with them yet.

I trusted the wrong people before and I am definitely not going to do that again and pay for it, too.

My hand instinctively graces the scar on my stomach and my head starts spinning. I breath in and out and concentrate on my heartbeat.

"So, they're going to ask you some more questions and they also said something about looking at your injuries", Mariele whispers and grabs Lawrence's hand in order to not cry again.

It's been about 2 weeks and investigations were going faster than I expected. The SIU works 24/7 to track anyone down and when they're not tracking they're asking me all these questions in order to find out more information on the terrorist group or check if I'm going to be a problem for them.

I know who trusts me and who still thinks I am a great danger. Nevertheless they all treat me with a certain hostility and keep me at a distance like a ticking time bomb. Which I am.

"We're here sir!", one of the bodyguards voices and everyone starts to pile out.

They always bring me to the headquarters of the FBI as they do not trust me with the location of the SIU yet.

"State your name and reason for visit, please", calls the security guard at the entrance.

My father takes out our passports and the guard recognizes him.

The door buzzes and were let through an X-Ray machine into the building.

I could feel eyes on me and whispers but I know better than to react. I keep my head low in order to not look anyone in the eye and threaten their authority like I learned. Although people keep telling me to look them in the eye when talking, I don't want anyone to feel disrespected.

We reach the interrogation room where I sit at the table with my lawyer and my parents are located at the back end of the room with the bodyguards.

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