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I 3rd POV I

The city is a mess. Everyone is on high alert and people have too many questions.

The Vincent's house is swarming with people, nosy people. FBI, CIA and other agencies are fighting to get a glimpse at evidence at my house. Evidence they think will lead them to River Vincent's connection with the tokens.

Meanwhile, the SIU at the FBI headquarters is currently tracing back River's every step. They have military surveillance from River's school, from her home and everywhere else she went for the last couple of weeks.

Willow, River Vincent's best friend, is currently questioned at one of the stations, Francis Keither and the rest of the private security is waiting in line.

"I still don't believe it's her. I mean we've looked at everything she has done for the past couple of weeks and we didn't find anything at the warehouse", Luise Groover, one of the SIU agents, speaks out.

"Oh please. She has been a threat from the beginning on and I knew it. I told you all but no one believed me. And now we have a threat to national security running around and we don't even know her current location", Guinevere Aceton fires back immediately.

"We don't have any update yet", Thomas Riker replies quietly from the other side of the room.

All agents including the team and Jack Halstead, Arden Voight and Alistair are seated around the big wooden table with all their documents spread out. They have been trying to get any information for days but nothing out of the ordinary happened.

The search team of the FBI has found a safe in River Vincent's hidden closet and they haven't been able to crack it yet. It has several security measures including an 8-number code and a retina scan. Since Vincent's whereabouts are unknown they can't get her to tell them the code or scan her eyes.

"The warehouse was an absolute disaster. I mean we thought we had solid proof and a starting point but no."

After the incident a couple of days ago the FBI questioned the Vincent's private security first since they were the closest to the Vincent family, especially River.

While Francis Keither did not give up the location of the warehouse, Agent 007 informed the FBI about it so they raided it several minutes after. What they did not know is that Francis emptied out the warehouse before they found out about it, storing away all the classified documents as well as the weapons. The FBI only found the workout space and an empty laptop.

The private security is supposed to go in for a second interview with the CIA in a couple of minutes. While normally the FBI, CIA and other institutions like Mossad don't work together, this situation requires everyone's cooperation. The only problem is that no one is willing to give up River once she is in their hands.

"We checked and secured the streets for days and we even calculated all exit routes. The garbage truck could not have been there if it was not stored beforehand by someone who knew the exact routes and rotations of our security checks. She is the only one who could have done this.

She was flipped during her time there and she fooled you all! Now, let's not get fooled again!"

Agent 015 pointed out before getting up and looking at the big screens again.

"Let's look at the footage from the marathon again!"

Agent 027 shakes her head in frustration clearly not convinced that it was River Vincent but she reloads the footage onto the big screens and starts playing them.

All the while, Agent 007 has been very quiet. He seems more than frustrated with the situation. Not only has he trusted her and even found a liking towards her, not romantically but as a general person and partner, but he also failed to see her true self.

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