#16 Stay

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   "What do you mean, Tom?" Emily knits her brows and takes a step backwards, almost not believing what has happened just now. She wants to look at either William or Stephen for explanation, but she cannot take her eyes off her twin brother who just asked her who she is.

   But then, she spots a mischievous gleam in his eyes, accompanied by a roguish smirk.

   "What?!" Emily exclaims in disbelief when Thomas and William break into laughter. She turns around to look at Stephen who just shrugs and squints his eyes at William.

   "I was just kidding, Emily," Thomas' laugh fades out and replaces with a soft chuckle.

   "It was such a bad idea," Stephen folds his arms, shakes his head and sighs disapprovingly.

   "Yeah, it's very terrible! How dare you...... Urgghh!" Emily wants to explode in outrage, but instead, she bursts into tears. She really hates the moment when her anger suddenly turns into tears because she knows that she cannot let it out verbally, hence she just cries and whines all by herself, alone. And that is what she is doing right now: crying and sniffling like a little girl being picked on by her spiteful brothers.

   "Oh, no..." William mutters and walks closer to Emily after realising that she has been crying.

   "We're so sorry.." Thomas reaches out and grabs one of Emily's hands.

   "I-I was so worried about you a-and you just........." Emily sobs and rubs her teary eyes. Thomas strokes her hand while William pats her shoulders from behind.

   "Sorry, Em.." Thomas says.

   "Yeah, it was his idea after all!" William points to Thomas, but when Stephen clears his throat, he admits, "I was in the wrong too. Sorry, Emily".

   "How dare you fooled me like that! I know I'm gullible, but....." Emily sniffs and snatches her hand from Thomas' grip. She walks away from him and William and stands near the door. "You're so mean!" she yells before storming out of the room.

   Thomas, William and Stephen stare at the door and then look at each other.

   "Look what you've done," Stephen gaze at his two brothers accusingly. "Fix it. I'm not going to do it because it's not even my fault," he shrugs. "I've got works to do," he adds before exiting the room.

   William looks at Thomas guiltily and sighs. "All right, all right. I'll talk to her," he raises his arms in surrender.


   Walking alone through the corridor, Emily folds her arms, keeps her head down and bites her lips sulkily. She is still angry at Thomas and William for deceiving and tricking her. How could they do that to her when she needed them after what had happened yesterday? She came to the room to visit her twin brother as she was really worried about him, and now here she is - staying away from her siblings. She wants to turn around and go to..........Stephen, maybe? He is the only one here she can count on right now. Yeah, she should go and search for him.

   In the middle of her turn, she hears a familiar voice and spots two figures in front of her. She blinks her eyes and forms a grateful smile.

   "Emily ~" Mark spreads out his arms and beams at Emily.

   "Mark.." Emily says softly, almost like a whisper, and runs into Mark's welcoming arms. She closes her eyes, enjoying the embrace. When she opens them back, she sees James, who is standing beside Mark, smiling at her. Oh... She did not realise earlier that he is here. She pulls away, smiles shyly and rubs off the delighted tears at her eyes.

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