#7 Outburst

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   "La..la..la.." Emily hums to herself whilst walking towards her classroom which feels like a thousand miles away after getting out from the school's toilets.

   Suddenly, everything around her seems abnormal and unrecognisable. Uh... Where am I, actually?  She is entirely sure that she is still in her school, but this corridor looks empty and deserted. She almost doesn't know this place.

   Oh, no! Is she lost again? She looks around the vacant corridor in panic. There is no one in sight which is bad because if she saw someone, even if she doesn't know them, she would ask for directions. The last time she got lost, a boy came to her aid (as she looked clueless and helpless) and guided her to her classroom. It turned out that he is a good friend of Thomas' and he treated her charmingly like she was a princess, causing her to blush and feel weak at the knees. It's quite embarrassing when she thinks about that again because she knew that she would pass out at her classroom's door after he bid her farewell and waved his hand at her whilst giving her a friendly smile and an intoxicating wink.

   Anyway, a loud thump interrupts her train of thought, so she thinks maybe someone is here so that she could ask for help. She walks forward and slowly turns left. Still no one in sight. But then, she catches unintelligible mumblings from a small hallway and she goes to it which is an action she suddenly regrets after witnessing a 'crime scene' that takes place there.

   There is a group of boys surrounding a small one who is wearing a pair of thick glasses. They all seem to scare him because he keeps cowering, flinching and lowering his head down.

   'Is this bullying?'  Emily thinks whilst coming closer to get a clearer look of them.

   "Answer me!" one of the bullies raises his voice and smacks the wall in front of him, making the boy and Emily jump in shock. She stops moving and just watches the scene unfold before her eyes.

   The boy with glasses lifts up his head slowly and Emily slightly gasps after seeing his face. She knew him! He is the school librarian who always helps her when she needs some books to read, study or revise. He is only a year her junior and his name is.... Wait, she forgot.

   "Do you want me to punch you?"

   Emily focuses back on the scene when one of the bullies grabs the boy's collar and pins him against the wall harshly whilst yelling at his face. She inspects them with a creased forehead while her brain starts working doggedly to remember something. Somehow, she discerns herself in the victim's situation. She sees a vision of her getting pinned on the wall by a man. Did it ever happen to her before? Whatever.. It doesn't concern her. But, what disturbs her the most is that someone is being bullied in front of her and she has to do something to stop it. She is certainly angry right now. Her hands ball into fists as she observes the predicament. She cannot see the bullies' faces because their backs are facing her. However, she can feel anger boiling up inside her violently since she has put herself in the boy's shoes.

   "OK. If that's what you wanted."

   The one who just yelled at the boy walks backwards to make way for his friend who looks like the leader of the group. The latter steps forwards to face his scared and shaky victim whilst cracking his knuckles dramatically.

   Emily stands on tiptoe to get an even better look of the scene because all of the bullies are quite tall and big. She squints her eyes and sees the leader whispering at the boy menacingly. Then, she moves her gaze to his hair which is pretty captivating. Oh, wow! He has enthralling blond hair.

   Wait... Enthralling. Blond. Hair.

   Is he..........

   'Nicholas Blondeau?'

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