#6 Piano

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   "Emily, wake up! This is the funny scene," Grace pats Emily's leg repeatedly, waking her up from her short nap.

   "Huh?" Emily rubs her sleepy eyes and looks at Grace who is watching 'The Princess and The Frog' on the television intently. What's going on? How did she end up sleeping on the sofa? Oh! Now, she remembers. After having a late lunch, she watched the Disney Princess film with Grace and fell asleep after a few minutes absorbing the information of the story into her restless mind.

   "Gracie ~" Emily mumbles and moves closer to Grace and hugs her from her side. Grace just ignores her and continues watching her favourite Disney Princess. Emily closes her eyes back to resume her sleep. The sound of the television starts to fade out as she sees a trail that will lead her to the infinite dreams. Suddenly, she hears a sweet melody which makes her wonder, 'Who is this person that plays such a magical tune?'.

   "Emily.." Grace shakes her body after realising Emily has been hugging her for too long and it makes her uncomfortable as she likes to move freely on the sofa like an enthusiastic child.

   Emily slowly wakes up and stretches her stiff arms heavenwards whilst leaning back against the leather sofa. She begins becoming aware of her surroundings when she hears the sweet melody again. She is still not dreaming, isn't she? She pinches herself. Ouch!

   "Why did you pinch yourself?" Grace asks confusedly.

   "I don't know. I thought I was dreaming when I heard the music," Emily gestures to the air. The music sounds like a piano.

   "Music?" Grace tilts her head and then nods it when she hears what Emily had been talking about. "It's probably Thomas playing the piano," she tells her sister. Her eyes are still glued to the television screen.

   "Thomas? Playing the piano? Where?" Emily sits upright and is fully awake now. She becomes excited when someone mentions piano and the fact that Thomas can play her most favourite musical instrument excites her even more.

   Grace points to a big room that looks like a lounge without taking her eyes off the screen. Emily stands up and walks to the room silently.

   "Wow!" Emily whispers when she sees Thomas playing a grand piano gracefully. She then smirks mischievously as she walks on tiptoes, in order to sneak up on him. He is still playing, completely oblivious to the slight sound that she makes when she tries hard to stifle a laugh.

   'This is it..'  Emily raises her arms so that she could smack them down on to Thomas' shoulders. Hehehe...

   Before Emily could turn her evil plan into reality, Thomas stops playing abruptly and turns around in his seat in a blink of an eye and surprises her with his loud deep voice.

   "BAAHHH!!!" Thomas stretches his arms upwards and forwards, pretending to lunge at Emily.

   "Aahh!!" Emily shrieks and falls onto the floor with a thud, earning a loud laugh from Thomas. She pouts and gives him a death glare whilst trying to pick herself up.

   "You're so funny," Thomas shakes his head and sighs, walking towards Emily to help her getting off the tiled floor.

   "How did you know that I'm here?" Emily asks as Thomas grabs her hand and pulls her up.

   "I could feel your presence," Thomas states, making Emily gape at him.

   Emily looks at Thomas doubtfully before saying, "Did you use the Force?".

   "Huh?" Thomas gazes at his twin sister quizzically.

   "Have you ever watched Star Wars?" Emily crosses her arms.

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