XLIV | As if it's your last

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Pick up Tae

Are you okay?!

I sighed for the umpteenth time staring at the screen. It had been two full hours since I arrived home and yet there was no sign of him, not even a text back. He hadn't even seen my messages.

When he was called soon the receptionist herself came to get his bag, with no explanation. I took this as an emergency, but there were still no responses from his side.

I tried everything I could, calling and texting. The fear of being called clingy instilled within me as I crossed off the idea of visiting him. I anxiously waited for any form of connection, just wanting to make sure he was fine.

Was I being too nosy?

The final exams were dead near. I sought to focus on the physics book in front of me, the expectations of people around me rushing back, only to add up to the pressure.

I was halfway being a lunatic but a notification popped up. I had never been so anxious while I immediately turned it on, it was just some famous restaurant advertising their latest offers.

With the last bits of self-control, I gently put the mobile back in its place only to get back to work.

A whole another hour had passed and I was near finishing the homework. Just as I did the last question, my mobile went off, the very familiar ringtone echoing in the room.

"H-hello?" I was heaved out of apprehension while immediately answering the call.

"Love..." My fastening heartbeat seemed to abruptly stop, he had no idea how much his deep and low voice stirred me. "I'm so sorry for worrying you, I'm absolutely alright."

I breathed in relaxation. It felt like someone had placed a cold patch on my burning wound, tingly but relaxing.

"I know we have lots to talk, and I have lots to make up to and for it...How about we go on a date?" Taehyung's playful voice resounded.

My eyes widened at his words, "Now? I-I literally have nothing to wear, a-and-"

"Shhh," I gulped down anticipating for his words only to blush like crazy, "I love you, with or without clothes, you'll always remain the most gorgeous woman in any world."

"Oh God! You don't want me wearing sweatshirts again..." I tried to argue back when Taehyung once again cut me off with his melodious voice, "I've prepared everything. All I want you to do is try to get ready by 7:30 and put on your beautiful smile. "

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