MBIAW - Chapter Thirteen

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Saturday, November 30th, 2019

Jayce's POV


"Hang in there, Kina. Where is your pain coming from?"

I can't believe she risked her life and took a bullet meant for me. And, who is trying to kill me?

"I think it's just my shoulder. But it hurts. Where is Dario?"

"Beating the pulp out of whoever shot you." Kina was shot in her left arm. I didn't see where she was hit anywhere else. I took my jacket off and wrapped it around the bullet wound and tried to contain the bleeding. I do know to do that.

Suddenly, we saw the police and the paramedics. The paramedics rushed to where I was sitting on the ground with Kina.

"Her name is Kina Ginnetti, and she was shot in her shoulder. I wrapped my jacket around the wound to put pressure on it. I can't tell if she was hit anywhere else."

"Thank yuh. Wi will take it from here. Mrs. Ginnetti, dis may hurt some, but wi ah going to lift yuh on de stretcher."

I didn't waste any time standing up, then picking her up off the ground, and putting her on the stretcher. She screamed as I lifted her but settled down on the stretcher.

"Thank you, Jayce," Kina says as she winces in pain.

Her husband was talking to the police. "Mr. Ginnetti, the paramedics are taking Kina to the hospital. You better go with her. I'll talk to the police."

"Just call me Dario. And, thanks."

"Mr. police officer, the bullet my friend took was meant for me. She risked her life for me."

"Please follow mi to de station."

"I'll have to get my car first."

We ran over to the parking lot. I saw where the police car was, so I got in my rental SUV and followed the police to the station.


12:00 am

Dario's POV

"Tauni, Kina was shot this evening."

"She was what?!"

"While at the wedding reception, one minute we were talking to Jayce Sterling. As soon as we started walking away from him, out of nowhere some nut ran up to Jayce with a gun. Kina jumped in front of him, a took the bullet. We arrived at the hospital around 11:00 pm. She is currently in surgery."

"Thanks for calling, Dario. We will be there as soon as we can. Keep me posted. Talk to you soon."

"Talk to you soon."

As soon as I hung up the phone, a nurse came my way.

"Mr. Ginnetti, de doctor wanted mi to inform yuh dat yuh wife a still currently ina surgery. It will be another hour. Mi name a Bryah. Mi'll be at de nurse's station if yuh need anything."

"Thank you, Bryah. Perhaps, I will take a cup of coffee with cream and sugar."

"Mi'll be right back."

I'm going to be here for as long as I can. I need to know if Kina is going to be okay.

About 15 minutes later, Bryah came back with a cup of coffee. "Thank you."

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