"When I was little, I always believed I could train under my father to become the next him one day. But that dream died along with him. So now I'm going to need to be someone who replaces him. So my hero name will be the underworld hero, All For One." Midnight and Aizawa understood this was a commemoration to my father with agreeing to me taking it. When I went to sit down again, Eri questioned me about the name. "Daddy, why does it look like the sleepy man and weird lady want to cry?" "Because Eri, AFO was the hero name of your grandpa and my father. He died protecting us a little while ago and well...it hurt a lot of us." She looked down while I began to hug her. "Heroes aren't immortal Eri, but they inspire us. That is why we are all here. One or many heroes inspired us to take the next step into this world with hopes we can become like our idols or family. They give us hope even if we don't realize they do." Eri started to hug me while crying a bit. "What's wrong?" "I'm sorry. I didn't know it was a bad thing to say. I didn't mean to make you sad." I held Eri close while patting her head. "You didn't do anything wrong sweetie. You didn't do this."

Time skip to the end of the day

After obtaining a little info Hagakure could get on the members of All Might's group on I Island, I noticed Iida looking at some news reports on his phone. I didn't see much, but I noticed they were about All Might's recent attacks. "Iida, you wanna help me with a little training?" He glanced at me with a kinda distant but calm stare. "Maybe tomorrow." While he walked away, I picked up Eri before saying something. "Ingenium didn't deserve what happened. Stain and Spinner did what they could to help." This comment surprised Iida while I motioned him to follow me. When we got to a corner of the school, he wanted to know about how I learned this. "The media never let out the Villain Hunters involvements. How do you know of them being there?" "Simple, they patrolled the area and stumbled across Ingenium in the report they gave me." This confused Iida a little more with me going a little farther with my explanation.

"Recently, me and a bunch of others have created a legal vigilante group known as the League of Vigilantes. Our goal is to take down All Might and finally let my father rest in peace." "....Why are you telling me this?" "Because I'm trying to tell you to back off on getting payback on All Might." Iida started to walk away while I tried to find a better way to help. "Iida, I want you to hit me." "What?" He looked at me confused while I explain. "If you can hit me once in three minutes, I'll back off. But If you can't, you help us." "I won't hit you Midoriya." "Why, because you know you can't?" This jab ticked him off while I smirked at Iida. "All Might is stronger than my father who was stronger than me. What hope do you have if you can't hit a person weaker than the one you're going after?" I waited for another minute until I got rather irritated. "HIT ME!" In frustration, Iida tried to with me punching him in the gut.

"Common Iida, is that the best you can do!?" He came at me again with this time dodging and hitting him in the back of the neck. "You get it now? Going after All Might is suicide for you." Iida remained on the ground with Eri shaking seeing what happened. "Why? WHY DID MY BROTHER HAVE TO BE BROUGHT INTO THIS!? HE DID NOTHING WRONG!" "I get your anger. You think I don't want vengeance on All Might. That monster killed both my parents. Unlike your brother, they're never coming back. Ingenium is alive, that you should at least be thankful for." I sat near Eri while Iida began to get up. "How do you manage this anger? He destroyed my brother's career along with his ability to walk for no reason than just because." "I don't manage it, I point it towards my reason he needs to go down. But doing it alone I learned a long time ago is not gonna work, I need to formulate plans and slowly weaken him."

Iida sat beside me while I passed him a can of orange juice I had before passing a can of apple juice to Eri. "What's your plan?" I opened a can of green tea while explaining to him. "Weaken his support. Dad made it so All Might can only use his quirk for 3 hours a day. The Nomu or whatever he calls them are part of an old experiment to try and give people a second chance at life. I'm almost positive he's gonna use them to cause chaos when he can't. Men are only men if they have no support. If they have it though, they become a force of reckoning." As we sat there, Momo called asking where I was with explaining that I had to do something for a friend. She didn't ask too deeply into it, but said to meet her and the girls at the shopping district with Eri to find some cute clothes for her. "So snowball, how would you like to go shopping for some new clothes with aunt Momo and everyone?" "I need new clothes?" "Well you're wearing some of my old clothes at the moment, maybe some cute dresses and a few bows for your hair will make you look cuter than you already are?" Eri took a sip of her juice before nodding. "Ok. If auntie Momo wants to, I'll go." 'So cute.'

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