Chapter 1

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When Haechan was a kid, he didn't live like normal kids, playing outside and having to worry about if their mom packed them fruit snacks in their lunch. It was never a happy time for him. The dull walls of the laboratory, the monotone voices of the workers, being on edge with everything he did and afraid to step out of line.

He was taught that laughter and joy meant you were doing something bad. It was ingrained in him to feel that this was just the way the world worked.

There was one lady who had worked as a lab employee part time. She had been there when his mother had dropped him off the very first time Haechan arrived. The lady wasn't supposed to get close to him. That was the rule.

She didn't approve of that rule. It was inhuman to not show a child kindness and love, but her job was important to her.

In the beginning, there weren't many cameras that scattered the place. The lady took advantage of that. She made sure to hide little gifts of chocolates for Haechan in small nooks in walls, when no one saw. Finding these little gifts was always his favorite part of his day. It was their little secret. They would also include a little joke or a short story and that gave him some happiness.

Eventually, it was discovered by the authorities that she had been going against the rules to interact with the lab experiment in a casual manner. They were not pleased and took her job away. It was also later found out that she had been killed, by the orders of the owner of the lab.

No one heard from her again. She had no family of her own either.

Haechan was hurt when he found out. They also gave him more restrictions and forbade him from talking to the staff unless it was an emergency or during their experimentation time. It was normal for him to grow up without hope and any knowledge of a life outside of being a lab rat.

That lady was someone he admired. She held a spot in his heart. He may not remember her name anymore, but her actions will remain in his memory for years to come. It'll be something he strives to be like.

Adjustment back to the life with the gang didn't take much time. It was as if he never left. They even made sure to stock the fridge of chocolate milk, per Jaehyun's request. Haechan was excited when he found that out.

It felt new and different in the best way, but at the same time, nothing changed. They still went on missions while he was away, but they felt it was best to avoid anything huge, mainly for recovery purposes.

Even though they moved to the other side of town, Taeyong still would not allow them to go to the grocery store, to avoid anymore public disturbances. Everyone blamed that on Yuta.

Haechan was glad to be back because this was his home and family.

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