Thirty Three

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Zeke's PoV

I get dared to cut a person of my choice's hair, by Will. I call out for Tris, and she follows me. I decide to cut her hair in a pixie cut. It goes better than planned...

 It goes better than planned

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Tris' PoV

Tobias stares at me with shock, and I smile. I don't he likes my new hair cut. Christina squeals and sobs at the death of my long hair...

(*cough* the whole Divergent fandom to Insurgent. *cough*)

"Why, Zeke Bear?!" She cries, and Eric bursts through the door. "Come, Quickly," is all he says, and we follow him. "This was found by one of the initiates, Bec."

I look at a letter with my name on it, and I read mine.

I know that I had betrayed your trust, and you only thought of me as an friend, and I wanted more. I truly apologize for these actions. Dauntless had just made me cruel. I hope you are happy, and as beautiful as remember you being. Don't forget your condoms with Four. We all know you like him.
Albert (Al) Smith.

"Thanks, Eric," I say bowing my head, heat beneath my eyes.

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