Chapter 18

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Alex woke up before Alexa. He laid there for a while watching her sleep. She looked serious as usual when she was asleep. Alex was always really hungry in the morning and needed breakfast right away. He tiredly walked downstairs and met his mother in the kitchen.

"Good morning sweety." she said and pulled him in for a hug. Alex greeted her back and opened the fridge to prepare his breakfast. He noticed a lot of fresh berries and vegetables. He turned back and faced his mother.

"You knew Alexa would be staying here?"

The first few days after their families had found out about Alex and Alexa had been a little awkward. Alex and Alexa didn't really know how to act around each other nor their families. Did they hug each other on front of the parents? Kiss? After Chloe had invited only Alexa for dinner on Thursday night and Alexa's parents had invited Alex over on Friday, before Alexa's competition, the tension had eased and they had all figured that this was now the new normal. Simon Comette had had the hardest to accept Alex and Alexa dating. But when Alex had come over and showed Simon that he was still the same Alex that Simon had always known, he had eventually relaxed and come around.

"I hoped." Chloe winked at him.

Alex smiled and began to prepare breakfast for him and Alexa. He washed off the berries and made avocado sandwiches and poured some juice into two glasses. He placed it all on a tray and brought it all to his room.

Alexa was still asleep when he entered. She was breathing heavily and mumbled something in her sleep. Alex smiled to himself and rolled his eyes at how love struck he was. He placed the tray on his desk and got back into bed, lying on top of Alexa. He bent down and kissed her on the lips. Her eyes fluttered open and she gave him a coy smile.

"I made breakfast." Alex whispered against her lips. Alexa's face was expressionless for a few seconds too long and Alex wondered if she had actually heard him. Then she blinked a few times and tears filled her eyes.

Wait what?

"Thank you." she whispered and dried the tears from her eyes. Alex got off her and sat on the bed next to her. Then she finally explained. "I'm getting my period in a few days. I'm PMS-ing. Every sweet gesture like this is going to make me cry."

Alex exhaled. Of course she was. He had seen her having PMS before, but then she had been more easily irritable. "I thought I had done something." he admitted.

"You're fine." Alexa said when she had dried the tears from her eyes. "What did you make?"

Alex stood up and brought the tray over to the bed. Alexa studied the tray and her eyes teared up again.

"Oh, come on." Alex complained.

"It's your own fault. You made this." Alexa sobbed.

"Actually it's mum's fault. She bought the groceries and told me to make you breakfast. If it was up to me I would've only made breakfast for myself." he teased.

"Well thank you Chloe then." Alexa said sarcastically. "Let's eat." She grabbed one of the sandwiches and began to eat. Alex did nothing. He just watched her. When she finally noticed she gave him a questioning look. "What?" she asked.

"You're beautiful." he told her and winked.

"Stop!" she whined as her eyes filled with tears again. Alex chuckled at his victory. He was going to have a really great day, getting to tease her in her emotional state.

After breakfast they fell asleep on his bed again.

When they joined the rest of the Da Silva family downstairs, Chloe was already making lunch. Daniel was working the weekend and Danny and Ricky had a few friends over.

"Thank you for the breakfast." Alexa said to Chloe, who gave Alex a questioning look.

"It's a long story." Alex explained.

Alex and Alexa had decided to spend the day with Chloe, like they used to do on weekends when Daniel was working. Chloe wanted help baking, so Alexa grabbed an apron and grabbed a bowl. Alex sat down at the counter. He was officially banned from the kitchen after nearly burning it down when he was twelve. He scrolled through his phone and noticed Alexa having posted a picture of him on her Instagram. The picture showed him asleep last night and she had used the caption "mine" for it. He opened a new comment and responded to her with an "always."

He looked up from his phone and noticed her watching him. They locked eyes and smiled at each other. Chloe noticed and aawed. Alex and Alexa rolled their eyes, which had Chloe laughing.

When the baking was done, Alex and Alexa joined Ricky, Danny and their friends outside. They were kicking a soccer ball in between them, and Alex being the annoying older brother that he was, stole the ball from Danny and began kicking it around.

"Alex!" Danny complained and Alex heard Alexa giggle. Alex noticed Danny throw a pleading look at Alexa.

"Oh, right." she reminded herself before she gave Alex a fake stern look. "Alex, give the ball back to your brothers."

Alex sighted and pretended to be regretful. "Sorry." he mumbled and passed the ball to a guy named Miles. "You wanna see something funny?" Alex asked the group. They all nodded.

Alex turned towards Alexa and gave her a loving look. "I love you." he told her. Her eyes teared up and Alex chuckled and the boys laughed.

"Alex!" she whined which made Alex and the boys laugh even harder. "Stop taking advantage of my fragile state!"

Alex pulled her in for a hug and they stood like that until the soccer ball hit Alexa's back. Then they stole the ball again before they joined the boys in kicking the soccer ball around.

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