Chapter 12

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Friday arrived soon enough. The boys were riding their usual bus, while Alexa, Lottie, Quinn and Tess rode together in Lottie's car. 

Alexa was excited now that she knew someone on the opposite team as well. It would be exciting to see who would beat who. Liam or Alex. 

Tess had told the girls that her and Alex were going on a date the upcoming Saturday and Alexa tried to be fine with that, but she really wasn't. Lottie had thrown Alexa a concerned look in the rearview mirror which Alexa had shook her head at.

"Your boyfriend plays for Colemore, right?" Tess asked Quinn.

"Yes, he does." Quinn replied.

"Isn't it hard to know what team to root for then?"

"No, because I root for Luca high to win, but for my boyfriend to score."

Tess nodded. "Makes sense."

The car fell silent of conversation so Lottie turned up the music. Quinn and Lottie sang along, while Alexa and Tess were silent. There was an obvious tension between them.

They reached Colemore high and walked in the direction of the soccer field. They found some empty seats on the bleachers next to some other students from their school. The Colemore high team were the first ones to enter the field and their classmates cheered for them. When the Luca high team entered, Alexa and the rest of them cheered the loudest they could. Alexa noticed Liam scanning through the crowd and when he found her he did one of those boyish nods to her.

"What was that?" Lottie asked.

"What was what?" Alexa asked back.

"Why did Liam Cook nod to you?"

"We've been talking via text for a few days. He knew I was going to be here. He was just saying hey." Alexa shrugged. Lottie let that one go, but Alexa could tell that she was dying to know more. Alexa locked eyes with Alex, who looked in between Alexa and Liam with a confused expression. 

Let him wonder.

The referee blew the whistle, signaling that the game was about to begin. And then it did.

The majority of the crowd screamed of happiness, since their team had won. Quinn tried to hide her happiness, but her boyfriend had scored Colemore's winning goal. Alexa lightly pushed her shoulder and gave her a smile that told her that it was okay to be happy for his boyfriend. The Luca high students walked down to the field to tell their team that their effort was good. 

Tess walked up to Alex and gave him a hug. A pang of jealousy hit Alexa and she immediately looked away. She turned to Jake, who looked disappointed. She gave him a comforting smile, which he returned. 

Suddenly someone knocked on Alexa's shoulder. She turned around, revealing a grinning Liam. Alexa couldn't help but grin back at him.

"So, I guess you owe me a date now." Liam winked at her.

"I guess so." Alexa smiled.

"Leave, now." Alexa turned around and found a very angry Alex behind her.

"Or what?" Liam challenged. Alexa could see the dislike both boys had for each other.

When Alex didn't reply, Liam smirked and swung his arm over Alexa's shoulder.

"It's not like she's your girlfriend. She can do whatever she wants."

"Of course she can, but not with you." Alex replied. 

Alexa hated being the center of people's fights. She threw a glance at Jake, begging him to step in. Jake grabbed Alex's arm and leaned in and said something that only Alex could hear. Alex nodded and him and Jake left for the changing rooms.

When both boys were gone, Liam turned back to Alexa. "Wait here for me?" he asked and pointed to the bleachers. Alexa nodded as she watched Liam disappear in one direction and her friends from school disappear in the other direction. She sighted and began to second guess her decision to agree to go on a date with Liam. Him and Alex were rivals, after all.

Lottie texted her asking of she would find her own ride home, to which Alexa replied saying that she assumed that Liam would take her home. 

Liam sure took his time. Alexa looked in the direction that he had disappeared in and didn't notice anyone sitting down next to her, until they spoke.

"He's confused about you." Alexa met Jake's grey eyes.

"Well, he was the one who said that the whole thing was a mistake and he was the one who asked someone else out first." Alexa stated.

"But still. Is it really right to go out with his biggest rival when you and Alex have known each other for your entire lives?"

He was right. Alexa knew it. She sighted and looked straight ahead.

"All I can think about is him and that stupid kiss. It left me wanting more, but he doesn't want that." It was the first time Alexa had ever told anyone that. "I'm just trying to move on and Liam just happens to be the only one who seems interested."

"I understand. Trust me, I do. But if you care about Alex, don't go out with Liam."

Alexa thought about what Jake had said. She saw Liam walking towards them and turned towards Jake to reply.

"I do care about Alex, but I'm going to go on the date with Liam. For me." Alexa stood up and walked over to meet Liam who embraced her when they met.

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