Chapter 19

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"We're leaving on Saturday, yes." Erica confirmed with Chloe on the phone. Erica and Alexa always used to go to the mall and buy some new dresses, swimsuits and shorts for when they were going to the beach house, and that's where they were on their way now.

"When are the Da Silvas leaving?" Alexa asked when Erica had hung up.

"They are leaving on Friday. But your dad has to work on Friday, so we leave on Thursday." Alexa nodded in response.

Erica and Alexa walked through some stores and Alexa found herself being more picky this year with what she was getting. She tried on a blue sundress that her mother told her to get, but Alexa didn't feel as beautiful in it as she did in the black one she had at home that Alex had once complimented. Yes, it was wrong to base what she wore on what Alex liked, but she felt more confident in the clothes that he liked on her.

Alexa managed to find a few new items, but not as many as she used to. "I still have some stuff back home that works." she told her mother.

When they returned home Alexa began to pack her suitcases. She held a few swimsuits before her and tried to decide which one to pack.

"Take the white one."

Alexa turned around and smiled when her eyes landed on Willow. She immediately stood up and embraced her sister.

"I didn't know you were joining us to the beach house." Alexa said.

"Unfortunately, I'm not." Willow said. "I'm just here because I don't have classes for a few days." Willow looked nervous before she continued. "And because it's time to tell mum and dad about me and Sebastian." She was referring to her boyfriend, who was also a young professor at her college. Not one of her professors though, so no laws broken there.

Willow helped Alexa pack, while they talked about Alex and Sebastian. Soon enough, Erica called them down for dinner.

"Cheers to Willow being back. We are very happy for our family being complete." Simon raised his glass and so did the rest of them.

"How is college?" Erica asked Willow, who began talking about classes and some of her friends. "Is there someone you're particularly interested in?" Erica asked with a grin.

"Actually, there is one..." Willow began and looked really nervous. Alexa gave her a reassuring smile.

"Ooh, tell us." Erica said.

"There's this guy. He is a few years older than me." Willow began.

"How old?" Simon gave Willow his stern look.

"36." Willow almost whispered.

"What does he do for a living?" Simon asked in the same stern tone. By now Alexa was nervous for Willow.

"He's a professor." Willow looked down at the table. "But he's not one of my professors." she quickly added.

"No." Simon simply said. "You are not dating a 36 year old when you're 23 and you're not dating a professor."

"I actually am." Willow stood her ground. "He's name is Sebastian Forester and he teaches advanced tech. And like I said, he's not my professor."

There was a long pause when Willow had finished and there was a stare down between Simon and Willow. They always did that when they disagreed on stuff. Alexa and Erica just looked at them, like always.

"I want to meet him then." Simon finally said.

"Okay." Willow simply said. "He said he could come here tomorrow, if you would want to meet him."

"Fine. Tomorrow." Simon still held the stern tone.

Now Alexa and Erica looked nervous. So they would meet Willow's boyfriend tomorrow.

"...and then we went down to the water and it was so quiet. And when I told him I was cold, he handed me his hoodie. You know, his team hoodie with his name written on the back." Lottie had something dreamy in her eyes when she told Alexa, Lilly and Quinn about her date with Cole last night. They were walking down the hall together in the direction of their next class.

"Willow told our parents about her boyfriend last night." Alexa said when they had all sat down at their usual seats.

"The professor?" Lilly asked and Alexa nodded.

"We're meeting him tonight."

"How did your parents react?" Quinn asked.

"Mom seemed okay, but dad got mad, about the fact that he's so much older and that he's a professor."

"That's kinda hot though." Lottie winked.

"What is hot?" Cole asked when he sat down behind Lottie.

"You are." Lottie winked. Cole grinned and Lottie had officially saved the situation for herself.

"Harry and his parents are coming over tonight for dinner." Quinn said and looked nervous. Alexa gave her a reassuring smile. Quinn's dad and Harry's mom were both the CEO's of rival companies. Quinn had told them about her parents' outburst when she had told them that she was dating the Harry. But despite it all, they were still dating and going strong. Their family dinners were apparently really tense though.

When the day was over, Alexa and Lottie went to the soccer field to watch Alex's and Cole's soccer practice. They chuckled when Alex and Cole clearly tried to show off, since they were there.

"Oh, god." Lottie rolled her eyes when Cole took his shirt off. Alexa giggled at her expression.

After the practice was over they joined their boyfriends on the field. Lottie and Cole disappeared to make out somewhere.

"You wanna hang out now?" Alex asked her.

"I can't." Alexa sighted. "Willow is home and her boyfriend is coming over tonight." She studied Alex and a flash of disappointment crossed his face. "Are you mad?" she worriedly asked.

Alex embraced her. "Of course not. They only thing I'm disappointed in is that this is the last time we're going to see each other before we see each other at the beach house. We're leaving tomorrow."

"Right." Alexa mumbled and inhaled. Then she felt it. "Urgh, you're sweaty." she said and tried to get out of his grip, which resulted in him holding her tighter. He chucked and let her go when she pretended to choke.

Alexa entered her house and met a stressed looking Erica.

"Willow called, they will be here in thirty minutes. And your dad is not helping me. He's still mad."

Alexa sighted and entered the kitchen to help her mother.

The dinner was really tense at first. Simon didn't say much, he just stared at Sebastian. Erica did her best at getting the conversation going and Alexa tried to help as much as she could. Alexa made the mistake of asking Sebastian what made him choose advanced tech and received a twenty minute long lecture from Sebastian about advanced tech. It was like he spoke another language.

Suddenly Sebastian decided to ignore Simon's stern look and asked him about his job. Simon kept his answers short at first, but when Sebastian seemed genuinely interested in Simon's job, Simon eventually loosened up.

Simon even shook Sebastian's hand and told him that it was nice meeting him, when Sebastian and Willow was about to leave.

Success, Alexa thought when she fell asleep that night.

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