Chapter 7

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It was a mistake. I was stupid and impulsive and it was a mistake.

That was what Alex had tried to get his brain to understand all Saturday and Sunday.

It was a mistake and we can get back to the way things were. Friends kiss each other all the time. It will be okay. It has to be okay.

It would probably be easier if Alex actually believed in what it tried to tell himself. 

Around noon on Saturday when his mum had gotten back from her walk with Erica Comette, she had told Alex that Alexa hadn't been feeling well and was staying in bed all day. His first reaction had been that he had to go over there to cheer her up, but then he remembered that he couldn't, because he had messed everything up.

On Sunday night he decided to go over to her place. Simon Comette let him inside and called for Alexa to come down. She was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, a look he had seen her in many times. Although this time she looked...different. He noticed things about her that he usually didn't. He shook it off and asked if they could talk outside. 

"Is it that secret wedding anniversary gift for your parents again?" Simon had jokingly asked.

"Sure." Alex had mumbled as he had opened the door for Alexa.

They had walked to the bench in the garden and sat down on it. Alexa looked at her hands that were resting on her lap. She still wore the dark purple nail polish that she had worn to the party. Alex looked at her for a few extra seconds before he said what he had come there to say.

"I'm sorry for kissing you. It was a mistake, I take it back and I hope that we can get back to that way things were. It was all my fault."

Alexa was quiet for a while, still looking at her hands. Then, after what felt like forever, she finally spoke. "It wasn't all your fault, I was there too. And I agree that it was a mistake." It almost sounded like she choked on her last words, but Alex decided to ignore that. 

"So, can I pick you up tomorrow?" he asked. She nodded as a reply.


On Monday morning things were different. Alexa had decided to do her absolute best to work on things between her and Alex getting back to normal. Even though that was her mantra, she found herself dressing up. She wore a top that Alex had complimented when she had worn before. She wore her hair in a low bun, which he had once said he found sexy on girls, in general. She even wore a necklace that he had given her for her thirteenth birthday. 

When he picked her up, late as usual, she found herself noticing things about him that she had never noticed before. For example, she noticed that he had his hair styled backwards. She also noticed the way his shirt was hugging his torso and arm, giving away what was hiding underneath. She even noticed the way his hands were hugging the steering wheel.

The ride was unusually quiet and tense and when they reached the parking lot Alexa found herself wanting to get away from the tense atmosphere as fast as possible. So she began to walk away.

"Alexa, wait." Alex called for her. Against her will she turned around, facing him. "You forgot this." he said and handed her her book bag. When she grabbed it, their fingers brushed against each other and Alexa felt a shiver run through her body. Ignoring her feelings was going to be harder then she had thought.

When they entered the building it felt like everybody knew what had happened. Everybody stared and it was like they were waiting for Alex and Alexa to hold hands and even kiss in front of everybody.

But they weren't getting that kind of show today.

Alexa was fine being just friends with Alex. She was fine. She could do this. 

At lunch, Alexa's eyes stuck on the way Alex's arm muscles tensed when he grabbed his water bottle when he was about to drink. Did it always do that? She had never noticed it before. Then her eyes stuck on his lips when they captured the lid of the bottle. She remembered those very lips against her own just a few days ago. 

When Alex changed his position to talk to someone at their table, his leg brushed against hers. She felt herself tense up and warmth spread throughout her body. 

See? She was just fine.

Alexa ignored Lottie's concerned looks. Alexa had called Lottie and told her about her and Alex's conversation when they had decided to try to go back to normal. 

"Are you okay with that?" Lottie had asked.

"I have to be." Alexa answered.

"What do you think about that, Alexa?" 

Alexa was yanked back to reality and found everyone staring at her waiting for her reply. 

"Ehh, sure." she said, with no idea what she agreed to.

"Great, it's settled then." Jake said. "We're going to the Horror House. In a few weeks."

Oh, no. Alexa hated all things horror. Her eyes widened and Lottie noticed and chuckled at her. 

"We'll save you." she chuckled trying to reassure her.

Nice try. 

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