Chapter 25

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"Come on Alexa. Talk to me." Alex plead. Alex had been looking for Alexa for over 30 minutes and had found her in their car. All she had said was that she wanted to go back to the house. Since Alex had been drinking, Alexa drove. Alex had tried to get her to talk to him, but without any luck.

When they reached the house, Alexa got out and walked inside. Alex followed her and was about to follow her into her room to talk to her and explain, but she closed the door in his face. He stood outside her door, knocking lightly. When she hadn't opened the door for what felt like forever, he gave up and walked over to his own room. He undressed and brushed his teeth. Then he walked back to her door and knocked lightly one more time.

"Please open." he quietly plead, but when she didn't open, he went back to his room again.

He couldn't sleep, which was bad, because with that came fear. Fear that she would leave.

At 7 Am his phone buzzed with an unknown number.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Hey, it's Toby. I'm picking you up in twenty."

"Why?" Alex asked.

"We're going surfing. Remember?"

"Oh, right." Alex mumbled when he remembered.

"Is Alexa coming?"

Alex thought about waking her up, but decided against it. She hated being woken up. "No." he finally answered. "She's on her period." he then added.

They ended the call soon after. Alex got out of bed and got the new swim trunks, that Alexa had gotten him, and a t-shirt. He got a text from Toby, telling him to go outside. He left his phone on the counter in the kitchen along with a note, and then he went outside.


She was mad at him, but she missed him.

Alexa woke up thinking that there was a chance that she had misjudged the situation from the night before and also overreacted. She needed to talk to Alex right away and hear him out. He had been knocking on her door for a while and she had tried her best to ignore him. She had fallen asleep crying.

When she stepped outside her room, she was surprised to see that his door was already open. Alex usually slept way longer than her after a late night.

Alexa got dressed into a pair of shorts in a soft material and a white, cropped t-shirt. She got the lovely surprise of this month's period officially being over. She put her hair in a high bun and then she headed downstairs to look for Alex. He wasn't at the front porch having breakfast, he wasn't by the pool. He wasn't in the living room, nor in the kitchen.

"He's out, surfing." Danny said from the living room. "There's a note on the counter."

Surfing? With who?

Alexa had breakfast with the parents, by the pool and congratulated Chloe and Daniel on their wedding anniversary.

"It's amazing that you've been able to cope with me for all these years." Chloe smiled at Daniel.

"It's been easy." Daniel smiled back and they both shared a quick kiss. They looked so in love and Alexa missed Alex even more now.

After breakfast, Alexa changed into her swimsuit and finally took her first dip in the pool. When she was done swimming, she grabbed her book and placed herself in one of the chairs. She was at one of her favorite parts of the book when a loud splash caught her attention. A few drops of water hit her legs. She looked up just in time to see Alex's head come up through the surface. He smiled at her, but the smiled wasn't his usual flashing, bright smile.

"You were up early." Alexa stated as Alex hung his arms on the side of the pool.

"Toby invited me to come surfing. You were invited too, but I figured you couldn't go since you are on your period."

Did he now...

Alexa shrugged as a "whatever". "So, who was there?" she then asked.

"Toby, Andrew, Stella, Mandy and a few others."

Alexa felt her mood sink. "Was it fun?" she sounded more stern than she intended.

"It was actually." Alex said and viewed Alexa. "Look, about last night. I'm sorry. She kissed me, and I did nothing."

"Whatever." Alexa said, closed her book and walked back into the house. She heard Alex call for her, but she kept walking, all the way up to her room. She changed back into the soft shorts and the cropped shirt and went to the kitchen to see if the moms needed any help with lunch. The dads along with Ricky and Danny had gone to town to get something for the anniversary celebration that night.

After a very tense lunch, Erica and Chloe decided to take a walk. Which in turn left Alex and Alexa alone in the house. Alexa was sat by the TV watching one of her favorite shows on Netflix and Alex was tanning in the sun. Alexa felt really bad for it being so tense between then, but decided that it was Alex's fault, since he had kissed another girl and hung out with said girl again today.

She didn't noticed that she had fallen asleep until she was woken up by someone ringing the doorbell on the front door. Alexa waited for Alex to open, but the doorbell kept ringing. On her way to the door, Alexa noticed a text from Alex telling her that he was out for a run. Alexa reached the door and opened it revealing a crying Millie and Mandy.

"Is Alex here?" Mandy asked and Alexa shook her head. "He forgot these on the beach this morning." She held out Alexa's sunglasses that Alex used to borrow. Mandy really looked like she wanted to come inside.

"Alex is out on a run. He's not here. I can take those." Alexa said eyeing the sunglasses.

"Fine." Mandy said after thinking it over and handed Alexa the glasses. Mandy left soon after and Alexa turned her attention to Millie.

"Is it Andrew?" she asked and watched as Millie's eyes filled with even bigger tears.

Alexa invited Millie inside and they sat down on the poolside with their feet in the water.

"He doesn't want it." Millie sobbed.

"I thought you had already figured that out?" Alexa tried to remember what Millie had said when they met in the store.

"I did, but a part of me hoped that he would. But he lives in New York and I live here. I've never even been to New York. I'm going to have to do this by myself, like my mum." Millie started crying again.

"I think so." Alexa honestly said and hugged Millie. "But, if there's one person who can raise a baby on their own, it's you."

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