Chapter 2

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With her favorite blue blouse and a pair of jeans, Alexa stood outside her house waiting for Alex to pick her up. She glanced at her clock and rolled her eyes. Being on time wasn't Alex's strong suit. As usual Alexa had woken him up when she called him asking where he was and also as usual he now came speeding down her street. And annoyingly as usual, even though he had overslept he still looked presentable. 

At lunch Alex and Alexa sat at their usual table with a few of their friends. Alex and Alexa had already had a play fight about something unnecessary that their friends had enjoyed to be the audience of. Lottie and Jake, the captain of Alex's soccer team, was currently having a heated conversation about leadership. 

"All I'm saying is that if the-" Lottie's point was cut off by Cole approaching out table.

"Party at my place on Friday. Be there." he pointed at all of us as he spoke. 

"Sure thing." Alex said and everybody nodded in agreement. When Cole had moved over to another table Alex and Jake began talking about soccer and Lottie and Alexa planned a shopping trip to get some things for the party.

After school Lottie and Alexa had dance practice again. Alexa could tell that the other girls had been practicing on their own because the entire group had improved from good to great. 

"Very good job today." Lottie grinned and applauded. "The only thing I have to comment on is Sasha's group, when you..." Lottie continued to talk but Alexa zoned out since Lottie wasn't talking to her. Instead Alexa's mind traveled back to her audition. She hadn't gotten in at first but she was called back to a second audition when a girl had broken her foot. Alexa had worked her a** off to nail the audition. She had shown her routine to Alex who had given her some helpful notes, even though he knew nothing about dancing. On the day of the second audition Alex had waited outside for her. Luckily she had landed a spot on the dance team and since that day, Alex had always waited outside in the hall for her.

When Alexa had gathered her things, Lottie approached her to confirm their shopping trip. They had asked a few other girls on their team to join. Alex had texted her saying that his practice ran over so Alexa asked Lottie for a ride. 

"We're going over to the Da Silva's tonight for dinner." Alexa's dad greeted her when she got inside. "Be done by six."

Alexa ran upstairs and took a shower. She braided her wet hair and added a little bit of mascara on her eyelashes. She grabbed a light grey t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. She completed her outfit with some silver jewelry.

Ten to six the Comette family, minus Willow, placed themselves in the car and Alexa's dad drove towards the Da Silva house. They parked and walked up to the door and entered without knocking, as always. Alexa hugged Alex's parents and fist bumped Alex's brothers Danny and Ricky. Alexa's mum, Erica, was quick to help Alex's mum, Chloe, with the final preparations. Alexa's dad, Simon, followed Alex's dad, Daniel, to  the backyard to look at something. Alexa did what she usually did: she went to Alex's room. 

Chloe Da Silva was an expert at interior design and she had styled Alex's room with dark blue walls and white details. Alexa entered Alex's room. He was lying on his bed looking up at the ceiling. Alexa walked over  and placed herself next to him on the bed. They lied there in silence until Chloe shouted that dinner was ready. 

They got up and walked downstairs and took the two empty chairs. 

"Alexander, are you enjoying soccer?" Erica Comette was the only one who called Alex by his full name.

"I do." Alex replied. "We've got a big game coming up against Colemore soon and I feel like we are very ready to take them on."

"That's what we like to hear." Simon said and lightly dunked Alex's back.

"What about you Alexa?" Chloe asked Alexa. "You have a big competition coming up too, right?"

"I do." Alexa smiled. "And we feel very ready for it. I even have a solo that I have been working on, with some help from Lottie and miss. Kate." 

Chloe smiled. "Good. We are, as always, rooting for you." Alexa smiled back.

When Alex and Alexa had been questioned, the parents moved on asking about Danny and Ricky's lives and then Alex's parents asked about Willow. Alex and Alexa took that time to scoop some food into their mouths. Their eyes met and they burst out laughing, since they were most likely thinking the exact same thing. That used to happen a lot. The rest of the dinner went on smoothly. The parents talked about work and the 'kids' talked about sports.

After dinner and dessert Alex and Alexa went back to Alex's room. Alex turned the TV on and grabbed two consoles. He handed one to Alexa and the famous Super Mario music played in the background as Mario Cart started. 

The race began and Alexa was leading until Alex knocked the console out of Alexa's hand.

"Hey! That's cheating!" Alexa exclaimed.

"If it increases my chances at winning, it's not cheating." Alex chuckled. Alexa rolled her eyes.

"You do that a lot you know." Alex said.

"What?" Alexa asked.

"Roll your eyes. You do that a lot whenever I say something."

"Only because you annoy me."

Alex grinned. "I try my best. Glad to know that it's in fact working." 

Alexa rolled her eyes again and Alex chuckled.

Alexa's parents left before Alexa did. Alex drove her home. They sat in Alex's car just talking about everything and nothing for a while, until Alex jokingly told her to get out so he could go home. She had jokingly refused for a few extra minutes and then finally she had gotten out. They had said their goodbyes and he had driven away and she had gotten inside. 

They had had another one of their play fights over texts before she finally had fallen asleep with a smile on her face.

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