Chapter 13

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Alexa ignored the feeling of betrayal she felt as Liam drove her home. She had had a really good evening with him. At first they had been at a grocery store, buying snacks and drinks for their date. Then Liam had driven them to a hill overlooking the city. They had placed a blanket on the ground and had their own little private picnic. Liam had even connected his phone to the car and played some soft music from it. When a slow song came on he had even asked her to dance with him. 

Despite everything she had heard about Liam before, he had been really nice to her.

Soft music was playing on the background and they were talking to each other as Liam drove. Alexa found herself thinking that she could see herself falling for someone like Liam. If she hadn't been so hung up on Alex, that is. 

In everything her and Liam had done and talked about, in ever touch and laugh, Alexa found herself wishing that it was Alex she was with. 

I hate that I want you.

When Liam parked the car outside Alexa's house, she didn't know what to do. Should she invite him in to meet her parents? Should she kiss him? Hug him? Just say goodnight? She did want to kiss him, but didn't want to erase the memory of her and Alex's kiss, so she leaned in and gave him a hug instead. She thanked him for the evening and got out of the car.

"Can we do it again?" Liam asked before she could close the door.

"Sure." Alexa answered before she left him. Liam waited outside her house until she was safely inside. The gesture secretly warmed her heart.

Alexa's mum met her in the door as she got in.

"Where have you been?" Erica asked.

"On a date. Why?"

"You've got a visitor." Erica smiled and left Alexa confused. "In your room."

Alexa frowned and climbed the stairs. She prepared herself for protecting herself with her book bag in case the "visitor" was a serial killer. She slowly opened her door and found Alex sitting on her bed. His elbows were resting on his legs and his hands were holding his head.

"Hi." Alexa said slightly hesitant. Alex looked up at her and gave her a tired smile. 

"How was your "date"?" he asked and did air quotes around the word date.

Alexa hesitated before she replied. "I had fun." she said and to her surprise, Alex groaned. What was his problem?

"Did you do...anything?" Alex asked after a moment of silence.

"Not that it's any of your business, but no, we didn't."

Alex's face relaxed a little and he stood up. He was so much taller than Alexa that she had to tilt her head all the way back to look at him. 

"Good, because I really don't like the guy."

"Don't get this wrong, but why do you even care? We're friends. I can date whoever I want." Alexa was starting to get mad. So was Alex apparently. Both their voices rose.

"But not him. We dislike each other."

"I know you stole his girlfriend."

"It was an honest mistake. She didn't tell me she had a boyfriend. Let alone that she was his girlfriend. But him tackling me so that I couldn't play, that was no mistake."

"Well, he was really nice to me."

"Please don't date him." he was actually begging her.

"What does it even matter. You're going out with Tess tomorrow."

"But you know Tess. It's different. She's nice."

"That's not even the point." Alexa frustratingly sighted.

"What is the point then?" Alex took a step closer and Alexa's breath hitched. She tried to keep her mind on the argument they were having. It was now or never. She had to say it.

"The point is that I like you. Like really like you. I might even love you." she breathed.

He looked at her.

She looked at him.

She really hoped that she hadn't messed things up even more now. 

It was too late to take it back now.

He took another step towards her, without breaking the eye contact. 

He reached out and touched her chin. He bent her head upwards, and then he kissed her. His lips were gentle at first, like the last time. But unlike last time, the kiss sped up. Alex began using his tongue and licked her bottom lip making her gasp. He took that opportunity to enter her mouth. His tongue explored her mouth and she used her tongue to explore his. His hands made their way to her hair and began to gently pull the ends of it, making her gasp again. Her hands ran over his torso and arms and she felt his muscles tense wherever she touched him. Suddenly she felt his hand travel to her front and landed on her breast. A moan left her mouth as he began to touch her. Her leg accidentally touched his sensitive area and felt him. 

When they had to break the kiss, Alex let go of her. He stared at her wide eyed, but didn't say anything.

"Woah." Alexa breathed and looked at him. With her eyes she begged him to say something. Anything.

"I- I need to go." Alex stuttered and turned around and closed the door behind him.

Alexa sat down on her bed and tried to stop the tears from leaving her eyes. An impossible task.

Alexa could hear her mother downstairs.

"Alexander, where are you-" 

And the the door slammed and he was gone.

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