Chapter 5

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Alex didn't dare to look back at Alexa as he continued to drag her towards the closet. He could feel her hesitation through the way she was pulling slightly backwards. Alex opened the door and let himself and Alexa in. 

"Have fun." Cole grinned, which Alex replied to with a death glare as he closed the door behind him. 

From the few strands of lightning slipping through the cracks of the door, Alex noticed Alexa's wide eyed expression and remembered how claustrophobic she was. "It's just ten minutes." he said as an attempt to calm her down. "We can do this."

He saw something resembling a smile on her lips. Alex had always been enchanted by her lips. They had such a perfect shape and were so perfectly pink and full and he had always wondered what it would feel like to kiss them. He noticed a misplaced strand of hair on her head and decided to put it to it's right place. As he did, he could hear her breath hitch, almost as if she had been holding her breath.

He looked at her eyes and noticed that her gaze was moving in between his eyes and his lips. Almost as of she wanted him to kiss her. He looked at her for a few more seconds before he made his mind up. He slowly leaned in and lightly brushed his lips against hers. He felt her warm breath against his cheek and decided to actually kiss her this time. 

He caught her upper lip in between his lips and began to really kiss her. Her lips felt better that he could've ever imagined. He placed his hands on the small of her back and started to regret his decision to kiss her when she really didn't kiss him back.

He regretted it even more, and was about to end it, when she placed her hands on his chest. But everything changed when she grabbed his shirt with her hands and pulled him in closer and began to kiss him back. The kiss deepened and Alex moved his hands up and down Alexa's back and he played with the ends of her hair. Her hands moved to the back of his neck and an actual groan left his throat when she ran her hands through his hair. She had ran her hands through his hair many times before, but this time was different. 

They parted of air just in time to hear steps coming closer to the closet. They immediately parted as much as they could, and in panic they fixed their clothes and hair. Cole, with an even bigger evil grin than before, opened the doors up.

"Time's up." he said and stepped aside. Alexa, who was being awfully quiet, was the first one out. She even left the room where they were playing truth or dare. Lottie, Lilly and Quinn were quick to run after Alexa.

Cole looked between the, now closed, door and Alex. "What happened in there? By the looks of her it's almost looked like the two of you-" Cole cut himself off and stared wide eyed at Alex. So did Jake and some others. "You kissed?" Cole looked surprised. 

Alex surprised himself by feeling mad. He gave Cole a long, stern glance before he walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him. He wanted to find Alexa her a hug?...kiss her again? He really didn't know what he wanted to do. He was feeling really confused by what had just happened and the feelings it had brought with it. 

After searching for a while, he finally found Quinn in the kitchen.

"Where's Alexa?" he asked her.

"Lottie took her home." Quinn said.

Alex tried to hide his disappointment and nodded as a reply. On the inside he was still full of the confusing feelings and felt like hitting something. He walked outside and tried to find something that he could hit, but ended up walking all the way to his house instead. He knew that his brothers' punching bag was still hanging in the garage, so he went straight there and hit it a few times, until he felt calmer. 

He found a worried text from Jake, wondering where he went and Alex just replied with a simple 'home'. Alex walked to his room and placed himself on the bed. He stared at his phone and opened up Alexa's contact. He pressed the call button and placed the phone to his ear. The signals went through, but Alexa didn't pick up. Alex cursed quietly and hated himself for having ruined his friendship with Alexa.

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