Chapter 27

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The necklace was cold against her skin when she put it on and she shivered. A key to his heart. It was really sweet of him. And like he had said, she didn't want to know what had happened. She believed Alex.

Alexa was in her room, waiting for the clock to turn ten. She could hear Alex and his brothers yell at the TV as they watched some game. Alexa's parents had decided to talk a walk on their own. Alexa sneaked into Alex's room and took one of his t-shirts. She had borrowed his clothes before, but there was something special with borrowing his clothes now. They smelled so nice.

She sneaked back into her own room and read her book while she waited. She heard Alex entering his room ten minutes too early. She bit her lower lip and tried to concentrate on her reading, but kept glancing at the clock. When the clock was 10 pm on the dot, she waited a few extra seconds, listening in on the coast being clear, before she sneaked out of her room, closed her door behind her, and into Alex's room.

She went inside and saw Alex sitting on his bed.

"That was the longest ten minutes of-" he stopped talking when his eyes landed on his t-shirt on her. "Oh, that's way too hot." he said and she blushed under his gaze. He then stood up and walked over to her. He closed the door behind her and locked it. Then he grabbed her by the waist and kissed her. His hands were roaming her body and she heard a low growl leave his throat when his hands discovered that she was braless.

They continued to kiss and Alex helped Alexa take the t-shirt off. She was now wearing nothing but her panties and Alex was still wearing a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. Alexa grabbed his t-shirt and pulled if off him. He then grabbed her hand and guided her to the bed. He lied her down and placed himself on top of her and then he leaned in and continued to kiss her.

The plan had involved Alexa sneaking out in the morning and wake up in her own bed.

The plan had not involved her falling asleep in Alex's bed next to him, with his arm slung over her naked chest. Nor had it involved Chloe walking in to wake her son up, but getting the surprise of her son and extra daughter sleeping naked next to each other.

"Oh my." Chloe quickly said and closed the door slightly too hard after herself. That was what woke Alexa up.

She sat up, slightly disoriented and tried to locate where she was and what had just happened. She looked around and noticed that she was in Alex's room and slowly realized that that had not been part of the plan. She slowly crawled out of bed and put on Alex's t-shirt from the other night. She carefully opened the door, got out to the hallway and closed it ever so gently behind her. When she was just about to take the few steps to her own room, Chloe walked out of the bathroom. Alexa and Chloe just looked at each other. Both of them understanding what had happened. They mumbled a "good morning" to each other and Chloe disappeared down the stairs and Alexa walked into her room.

Alexa took a long shower. She closed her eyes and let the hot water roam her body as she remembered her perfect night with Alex. When she got out of the shower, she put on a white sun dress and a pair of flip flops. When she got out of the bathroom, Alex had brought her breakfast.

"The moms told me that you hadn't had breakfast yet. And we all know how you are when you don't." he chuckled as he walked over and kissed her. "Also, mom told me about your little encounter before." he chuckled again as Alexa hid her face against his chest.

"It was so awkward." Alexa whined.

"She doesn't care." Alex assured her.

They sat down on Willow's unmade bed and ate the breakfast.

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