"Can I speak to you for a minute?" He asks.

"Sure" I say getting up and following him out to the hallway.

"You seemed to do a good job in getting him under control." He told me patting me on the back.

"Yeah I guess." I said shrugging it off. He sighed and I could tell things would be getting serious.

"Look do you know anything about his injuries, like what could have caused them?" He asked me making me gulp. Would it be ok if I said his stepmother did it? Or would they send him away to an orphanage until he's old enough to take care of himself if I did? Choosing to let Andy tell them if he wanted to I lied.

"No sir. All I know is that he had been put in a garbage bag and left to die. Whoever did it must really hate him." I told him until he started staring at me curiously. Oh don't crack, don't crack I said to myself slightly sweating.

"Really? Your his cousin right?" He asked making me nod in response. If I open my mouth it would have gotten a higher pitch. Hey I said I was a sucky lier and that's what usually happens when I lie.

"His body is covered in bruises and handprints. Would he by any chance be abused by anyone? Perhaps his parents?" He asked me seriously. Boy if he knew how on target right now he was people would think he was a psychic.

"Of course not. His parents would never do anything like that." I said lying through my teeth. Well technically it isn't a lie because it's his stepmom who really isn't his mom or parent. Oh shut up it sort of makes since right? Whatever I'm confusing myself now.

"Well fine. But if you ever find out who did this you should report it to the police." He told me and I once again nodded. Can we move off this topic now?

"How is Andy doing?" I asked wondering if his health had improved or not.

"He's doing better than before. His wounds are closing up just fine but what's gotten worst are his nightmares." He said. Tell me about it. He can't wake up without screaming or crying. It's been two days already and what happened earlier tends to happen a lot.

"I know. It's something about his past. Something big but he won't let anyone in. You can't get a word out of him without him blowing up in your face." I told the doctor sighing tiredly. It's around five in the morning and I haven't gotten much sleep.

"I'll have to prescribe him some stress medication. Will he be staying with his uncle while his parents are away?" He asked me. I said yes and than he took out a whole list of prescriptions. Woah are they trying to drug him up that bad? There were at least seven or eight prescriptions already.

"Here our the prescriptions. I'll write up the stress medicine and hand it to you later. Also I added in some depression medication because he has a severe case of depression. I want you to keep a close eye on him too since we found way too many cuts on his wrists and legs." I was shocked to hear that information since I never noticed his cuts before. But hey who could blame him with a fucked up life like his. See I don't think I'll be much help in keeping him from cutting when I do it myself. I don't want to feel like a hypocrite and be like 'hey dude don't kill yourself cause it's bad' and than go off and get a razor for myself. But sometimes you still do it because you don't want to see that person hurt even if your hurting yourself.

I took the prescriptions and walked back in to the room while the doctor walked off. Checking on Andy to make sure he was still asleep I headed back out and went to the hospital's pharmacy to get his medicine.

After dropping off the prescriptions I headed over to the vending machine and got something to eat. My stomach just wouldn't shut up and it was driving me crazy. Hitting E4 to get myself a bag of chips, some very yummy chips might I add, I grabbed them and than bought some coke. After I had my chips in one hand and coke in the other I headed back to Andy's room. You think he would have wanted some chips? I think the doctors would have kicked my ass since they were only giving him food from a feeding tube and wouldn't allow anything else in his system.

Unwanted (BoyxBoy) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now