Old habits die hard

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"Excuse me?"

You turn around to see a tall brunette. Your heart picks up speed when you notice who he is. Your stomach does a few summersaults as your breathing becomes shallow.

"What do you want?" You ask standing toe to toe with your ex boyfriend, Jason.

"Now is that anyway to speak to a friend?" He asks pretending to be hurt.

"You're not my friend." You rolls your eyes a sigh. "You gave up that right when you started stalking me and broke into my house."

"Minor details!" He replies waving a hand in the air, as if to get rid of a foul smell. "What are you doing tonight?"

"Working!" You reply walking down the hall away from him.

"Wanna go out for dinner?" He asks keeping pace. You sigh, why won't he ever just leave me alone!


"Aw come on babe-" you cut him off before he can continue.

"Don't!" He goes reaches for your hand, you pull away before continuing. "Don't touch me! Just leave me alone!" You turn around and duck into a nearby room to escape his presence.

Work was finally over for the day and you were walking home. Jax offered to give you a ride, like always, but you decided against it. It was a beautiful evening in Charming.

You were approaching the sidewalk to your house when a vehicle came to a screeching halt behind you. You turn and see your ex jumping out of the now parked white car. You panic, starting to dig your keys out of your jacket pocket as you make your way towards the door.

"Where you going baby?" He calls after you.

You pulls the key out, insert it into the door, turn the knob and rush inside. Before he can place a foot on the steps you slam the door and lock it. Your ex begins to pound on the door rather loudly.

"You can't hide from me forever Y/N!" Jason hollers, the knocking turns into thuds. As if he's hitting the door with something. "You'll be mine again whether you like it or not!!"

You run to your bedroom and lock the door behind you. Your nerves are a mess! You can't call the police, they're the reason he's like this again. Pacing the floor you fish for your phone in your purse. Yes you couldn't call the police... but there was one person you could call. One person who would set your ex boyfriend straight once and for all!

The number rang once before the person answered.


"Jax! Omg thank god!"

"What's wrong Darlin?" He asked, his words laced with worry.

"My.. my ex boyfriend. He's at my house, he's trying to break in!" You reply, beginning to have a small panic attack. "Jax I'm scared!"

"I'll be right over!" You can hear a slight hum of an engine before he speaks again. "Hang tight Y/n!"

He hangs up the phone just as you hear the front door finally cave in.

"Y/n!" The voice calls. "Where are you?"

You hear his footsteps thump across the hardwood floor. Being very quiet and careful you sneak over to you closer, slip inside, and close the door behind you.

The footsteps get closer and closer to your room. Your heart is beating out of your chest, taking slower breaths you pray that your heart will slow. That you'll make it out of here alive. The door to your bedroom creaks open. You look through the slats of the closet door and see your ex enter the room.

"Y/n, come out come out whenever you are!" He calls.

Squeezing your eyes shut you manage to hold back a few tears. Panic is flowing through your veins now. He closer he gets the harder it becomes to breath. Jason reaches for the door, you take a deep breath and prepare yourself to run. He pulls open the door, you start to run out of the room before flying back into his chest. A burning sensation across your scalp. You scream, as his hand gives your hair a more rough tug.

"Where you going sweetheart?" Jason asks pulling you closer. Tears begin to stream down your face. "You shouldn't hide from me my love, you had me worried."

"I'm... I'm not-"

"Shhhh. Don't speak."

You can hear a quiet rumble of a motorcycle. Your heart skips a beat.

"Jason I'm sorry. I'm sorry I ever left you." You try looking up at him, he allows you and you see his face soften.

"You are?"

"Yes." You peel put your bedroom window and see Jax park his bike. How he managed to get this close without Jason noticing was beyond you. You avert your eyes from the window and back to Jason before continuing. "I never should have left. That was the biggest mistake of my life."

"I'm glad you-" he pauses before continuing. "What was that?!"

"What was what?" You ask. You could hear a slight thud of footsteps on the hardwood floor. Jax! "I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't hear anything. Maybe it was the-"

"Shut up!" Jason hollers.

Before you could say anything your bedroom door flies open.

"Let her go!" Jax says sternly pointing his gun towards the two of you.

"Who the fuck are you?!"

"It's not important!" Jax spats. "Now let her go!"

"Or what? You're gonna shoot us?"

"I'm only gonna ask you one more time. Let. Her. Go." Jax growls taking a few steps closer.

"As you wish..." Jason replies releasing the grip he has on you. You run behind Jax.

"We'll be leaving now." Jax places his gun back in his pocket.

"Sure," Jason replies. Why was this so easy? "But not before I give you a parting gift!" He closes the distance between the two of them while placing a fist on Jax's cheek.

"You son of a bitch!" Jax replies before throwing a fist back at Jason.

A rage fills Jax's body. You're almost sure his eyes are spewing with fire. His fist kiss Jason's face over and over. To the point that both boys faces are starting to turn red. One from blood, one from anger. Jason falls to the floor with a hard thud, Jax now towers over him.

"Don't you EVER come near my girl again!" He spats. "Or my boys will kill you, you piece of shit!" He spits at Jason before turning to face you.

"Are you ok?!" You nod as he comes closer. "Good! Now let's get you out of here." He adds grabbing your hand and leading you back out to the street where his bike sat. You both climb on, then he speeds off to the clubhouse.

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