Late night chats

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authors note: hey guys :) thanks for the 7.5k reads! Glad you guys are enjoying it! Got a small question for you! If you had an argument with Jax what would it be about and why? Person with the best answer will get a shoutout in the next chapter :) thanks so much!


You wake up at three in the morning in Jax's dorm bed. The rooms dimly lit thanks to his bedside lamp. You take in the room for a quick second. Clothes litter the floor, a few of your belongings  rest on his dresser. You roll over to see the spot beside you still empty. You can feel a puzzled look spread across your face. You had gone to bed at eleven, he swore he'd be joining you shortly.

You climb out of bed, feeling a slight chill from the AC, you grab Jax's blue and white plaid shirt and throw it on. Padding over to the door a slight pound of music greets you. Opening the door you squint, the lights burning your tired eyes. You make your way down the hall. You pass John's old bike and smile sleepily at it before pressing on to the bar. A few dozen bodies fill the room. You see Chibs and Opie playing pool, Piney and Tig by the bar, with a few crow eaters filling the spaces.

Seeing you standing in the doorway, Chibs looks up from the table, "What are you doing up so late Lass?"

"Looking for Jax," you yawn. "Has anyone seen him?"

"He mentioned something about not being able to sleep." Opie replies propping himself on his pool cue. "My best guess is he went up to the roof. It's been his go to when he's got lots on his mind."

Nodding you thank Opie and make your way outside. As you step foot out the door a small breeze attacks your bare skin. Pulling Jax's shirt closer around you you make your way to the side of the building where the ladder is. Carefully ascending the ladder you reach the top in no time. You look around, only to shortly spot the back of a familiar cut. As you make your way over to him you see he's hunched over on a square cement slab, just inches away from the edge. Getting closer, you notice a smoke hanging from his mouth. A book lays in his lap.

"I thought you said you were coming to bed soon."

He turns around to find the voice. Spotting you he smiles, "hey Darlin," he closes the book before standing. "I'm sorry. I just needed some air."

"What's on your mind?" You ask approaching him.

"Come sit," he takes your hand in his and leads you over to his spot, motioning you to sit. Pulling a chair beside you he sits down.

"It's nice up here." You reply tugging his jacket closer to you.

"It is," he replies looking out over the parking lot before letting out a sigh. "I'm sorry Y/N,  I've just got a lot on my plate."

You nod watching him. He reaches down beside his chair before bringing his hand to his face. A beer can glistens in the light from the street lamp, taking a slug then offering it to you. You take it from his grasp. The can is still cold. He hasn't been here long. You take a sip, the cool liquid burning your sleepy nerves.

"What's wrong Jax?"

"What isn't?" He sighs. "Being Vp isn't easy. I've still got a rather huge weight on my shoulders. If anything goes wrong I'm just as much at fault as Clay." He sighs again before running his hands down his face.

"Do you want to talk about it?" You ask reaching out for his arm. He looks at you.

"I don't expect you to understand," Jax mumbles playing with the corner of the book that now sits in his lap.

"You don't have to tell me Jackie. I just thought it might make you feel better."

He nods taking a deep breath, "The thing that's been weighting on me the most is this book. It's my old mans. John wrote everything in here. His dreams and wishes for the club. What he thought it should stand for." He pauses before sighing. "I don't think this is what he had in mind, for both me and the club."

"Hey, from what I've heard your an amazing Vp. All the boys agree." You smile before continuing, "Now I don't know what you guys do exactly, but I bet John is happy knowing that you've taken such a huge role in the club. And I bet you'll even be a kickass President some day."

He smiles looking over at you, "you think so?"

"I know so!" You beam. "Now, can we go to bed? It's freezing!"

He chuckles, "we sure can."

You both stand from your seats, taking one last look across the parking lot and descending down the ladder.

Jax Teller Imagines Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora