Back from prison

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"Are you excited for his return?" You ask Gemma as you finish sorting through the Teller-Morrow paper work.

Gemma looks up over her glasses, "of course I am sweetheart." She turns the chair to face you. "But don't get any crazy ideas."

"What do you mean?" You ask with confusion. Gemma pulls out a cigarette out of the pack on the desk and lights it.

"This doesn't mean anything for you," she tells you taking a drag. "He's a different man now. He doesn't have time for the game you want to play."

"It's not a game Gemma."

"Sure it is," she says letting a cloud of smoke escape her lips. "You're jusy here to distract him from what he's supposed to be doing. How he's supposed to be running the club."

"It's not-"

"You're just a crow eater!" She spats. "Get used to it honey."

Before you're about to respond you hear a rumble of a motorcycle echo off the building walls. You peak out the door and see Jax rolling in. He's home!! You turn back to see Gemma.

"Maybe that's how you see it," you tell her grabbing your things. "But that's not how he does." You begin to walk out before she speaks, stopping you at the door.

"You don't know a thing darling" she tells you.

You walk out of the office and over to Jax's bike, there's a huge crowd around him now. The boys hug him and congratulate him on returning home safe. Standing off to the side you begin feeling awkward. You were never good with crowds.

Jax turns his head towards you and smiles before speaking, "Excuse me everyone, I'll be right back." He walks over to you with a smile, before engulfing you in a hug.

"I'm glad you're home!" You tell him while burying your face into his neck.

"Me too Darlin." He squeezes you tight. "Now, how was hanging out with my mom? Were you good while I was gone?"

You laugh a little. "I tried, she really tests my patience." Now it was his turn to laugh.

"She tends to do that!" He tells you placing a kiss on your cheek. "Now come, lets go for a ride!" He takes your hand and leads you over to his bike. He starts it up and hands you his helmet before you both ride out of the parking lot.

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